Was this Atlantis ? Wolter Smit  

Possible locations
Pole shift
Biblic Flooding
Predeluvian climat
Continent changes
Timing, When
How, Where
Size, population
Cayce readings
Plato, Timaeus
Plato, Critias
Flood Myths

Flooding myths around the world

Introduction Pima Andaman Huarochiri Miao/Yao
Hawaiian Batak Scandinavian Celtic Yoruba
Kabadi (New Guinea) Gunwinggu Wiranggu (Australia) Palau Isles Tahitian
Samoan Quillayute Nizqualli Kammu (Thailand) Shasta
Cheyenne Lakota Tsetsaut Yuma Papago
Toltec Huichol Malorotare Yanomamo Yamana
Sumerian Babylonian Hebrew Australian Chaldean
Zoroastrian Hindu Greco-Roman Jicarilla (Apache) Mayan
Aztec Squamish Skagit Mandingo People of Mount Jefferson
Yakima Caddo Chippewa Navajo Hopi

Jicarilla (Apache)

Before the Apaches emerged from the underworld, there were other people on the earth. Dios told an old man and old woman that it would rain forty days and nights. People were warned to go to the tops of four mountains (Tsisnatcin, Tsabidzilhi, Becdilhgai, and another whose identity isn't known) and not to look at the flood or sky. The people didn't believe the old couple. When the rains came, only a few people made it to the mountain tops and shut their eyes. Those who looked at the flood turned into fish or frogs; if they looked at the sky, they turned into birds. After eighty days, Dios told the 24 people remaining to open their eyes and come down. These 24 people went into mountains. Eight other people survived the flood who were able to travel by looking where they wanted to go, and they were there. These people told the Apaches about the flood before going into two mountains themselves. Around the turn of the millennium, the surface of the earth will again be destroyed, this time by fire.

Wolter Smit, Courcelles Sur Seine, France.
Personal web site in French and in English
My self publishing site, "www.jean-voltaire.fr", in French and in English
This site in French : Était-elle l'Atlantide ?