The Edgar Cayce Readings
Continent and Culture of Atlantis
Readings Extract - Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
READING: 364-4
With the continued disregard of those that were keeping the pure
race and the pure peoples, of those that were to bring all these laws
as applicable to the Sons of God, man brought in the destructive
forces as used for the peoples that were to be the rule, that
combined with those natural resources of the gases, of the electrical
forces, made in nature and natural form the first of the eruptions
that awoke from the depth of the slow cooling earth, and that portion
now near what would be termed the Sargasso Sea first went into the
depths. With this there again came that egress of peoples that aided,
or attempted to assume control, yet carrying with them ALL those
forms of Amilius [?] that he gained through that as for signs, for
seasons, for days, for years. Hence we find in those various portions
of the world even in the present day, some form of that as WAS
presented by those peoples in THAT great DEVELOPMENT in this, the
Eden of the world. ALSO IN: References to Location of Atlantis
ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
READING: 364-4
In the latter portion of Atlantis there was the determinations to
set again in motion the bringing of forces to TEMPT, as it were,
nature - in its storehouse - of replenishing the things - that of the
WASTING away in the mountains, then into the valleys, then into the
sea itself, and the fast disintegration of the lands, as well as of
the peoples - save those that had escaped into those distant lands.
Ten thousand seven hundred (10,700) years before the Prince of Peace
came. ALSO IN: Reference to Time Periods of Events
with the breaking up (of Atlantis), producing more of the nature of
large islands, with the intervening canals or ravines, gulfs, bays or
streams, as came from the various ELEMENTAL forces that were set in
motion by this CHARGING - as it were - OF the forces that were
collected as the basis for those elements that would produce
destructive forces, as might be placed in various quarters or
gathering places of those beasts, or the periods when the larger
animals roved the earth - WITH that period of man's indwelling.
the final destruction of Atlantis the islands left to sink were
Poseidia, Aryan and Og.
the attempt to draw that as was in man then back TO the knowledge;
and these (children of the Law of One) brought about those
destructive forces (that are known today) in gases, with that called
the death ray, that brought from the bowels of the earth itself -
when turned into the sources of supply - those destructions to
portions of the land. Man has ever, when in distress, either mental,
spiritual OR physical, sought to know his association, his
connection, with the divine forces that brought the worlds into
Describe in more detail the causes and effects of the destruction of
the part of Atlantis now the Sargasso sea. (A) As there were those
individuals that attempted to bring again to the mind of man more of
those forces that are manifest by the closer association of the
mental and spiritual, or the soul forces that were more and more as
individual and personal forms in the world, the use of the these
elements - as for the building up, or the passage of individuals
through space - brought the uses of the gases then (in the existent
forces), and the individuals being able to become the elements, and
elementals themselves, added to that used in the form of what is at
present known as the raising of the powers from the sun itself, to
the ray that makes for disintegration of the atom, in the gaseous
forces formed, and brought about the destruction in that portion of
the land now presented, or represented, or called, Sargasso sea.
ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture ALSO IN:
References to Location of Atlantis
entity then was of the Poseidans, and gaining in repute of the
abilities of the entity through the adorn-ment of body, using
nightside of the influences in earth's plane brought destructive
forces TO self through the misapplication of power. ALSO IN:
Vocations and Activities
to the Great Congress held during the age of the destruction of the
enormous animals. In the period when this became necessary, there was
the consciousness raised in the minds of the groups, in various
portions of the earth, much in the manner as would be illustrated by
an all- world-broadcast in the present day of a menace in any one
particular point, or in many particular points. The gathering of
those that heeded was like a meeting of scientific minds of the
present day. They met to devise ways of doing away with that menace.
The manner in which these gathered was very much like the Graf [Graf
Zeppelin?] were to gather those that were to cooperate in that
effort. The ways devised were those that would change the ENVIRONS
for which those beasts were needed or take away their sustenance in
the particular portions of the earth that they inhabited. This was
administered much like sending out from various central plants a
"Death Ray", or the super-cosmic ray, from the
stratosphere. This was to draw upon the varied conditions that
existed in the various portions of the land then occupied by man.
ALSO IN: The Invasion of the Great Beasts ALSO IN:
Technology, Science, Architecture ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with
Other Lands
there were those destructive forces brought through the creating of
the high influences of the radial activity from the rays of the sun,
that were turned upon the crystals into the pits that made for the
connections with the internal influences of the earth, the entity
through turmoil again joined with those of the Law of One. ALSO
IN: Followers of the Law of One ALSO IN: Technology, Science,
was in that known as the Atlantean land, during those periods when
there were the destructive forces being sent out and used by the sons
of Belial and those that followed close therein. The entity was
rather among those peoples that followed the law of One, and was in
the name and in the household of Ajahel; being the princess of the
temple in Poseidia, and executed much of those forces that dealt with
the various manners of their communications with the varied lands.
During those periods when there were the gatherings of nations, or
the peoples of the world for the pitting of themselves against the
beasts that overran the earth, the entity aided in such gatherings of
those; for the entity - as given - RULED the connections, or
associations, or communications. Hence the entity guided those
influenced for the right; being overcome only by the forces of Belial
when the destruction was brought by the use of that which had been
applied for the destruction of the animals in that particular
experience. ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture ALSO
IN: The Invasion of the Great Beasts
was in that land known as the Atlantean, during those periods when
there was the second of the destructive forces that brought
destruction to those both of the ONE FAITH and those of Baalilal.
ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
was in the Atlantean periods when much of the destructive forces were
being maintained by the religious-political activities (as would be
termed) of the peoples in the period. ALSO IN: Social, Religious,
Political, Legal
the active forces of these the entity brought destructive forces, by
the setting up - in various portions of the land -the character that
was to act as producing the powers in the various forms of the
people's activities in the cities, the towns, the countries
surrounding same. These, not intentionally, were TUNED too high - and
brought the second period of destructive forces to the peoples in the
land, and broke up the land into the isles that later became the
periods when the further destructive forces were brought in the land.
the same form of fire the bodies of individuals were regenerated, by
the burning - through the application of the rays from the stone, the
influences that brought destructive forces to an animal organism.
Hence the body rejuvenated itself often, and remained in that land
until the eventual destruction, joining with the peoples that made
for the breaking up of the land - or joining with Baalilal [Baal?
Belial?] at the final destruction of the land. At first, it was not
the intention nor desire for destructive forces. Later it was for the
ascension of power itself. ALSO IN: Technology, Science,
Architecture ALSO IN: Followers of Belial
What was the date of the Peruvian incarnation as given in Life
Reading, and what was the disturbance in the earth as mentioned? Give
such details as will clear up this period. (A) As indicated from that
just given, the entity was in Atlantis when there was the second
period of disturbance -which would be some twenty-two thousand, five
hundred (22,500) before the periods of the Egyptian activity covered
by the Exodus; or it was some twenty-eight thousand (28,000) before
Christ, see? Then we had a period where the activities in the
Atlantean land became more in provinces, or there were small channels
through many of the lands. And there were those, with the entity and
its associates or companions, who left the activities to engage in
the building up of the activities in the Peruvian land. For the
Atlanteans were becoming decadent, or being broken up owing to the
disputes between the children of the Law of One and the children of
Belial. ALSO IN: Reference to Time Periods of Events ALSO IN:
Conflict between Belial and Law of One ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact
with Other Lands
was in the Atlantean experience when there was the breaking up of the
land itself, through the use of SPIRITUAL truths for the material
gains of physical power. Yet the entity was among those that were of
the children of the Law of One. In the experience the entity was
among those that ministered in the Temple of the Sun, from which all
power was used for the aid of those in material things. Yet the
entity was among those that understood how that the spirit of those
that are given charge concerning the affairs among men came again and
again, and gave the power to those that remained true in and among
the sons of men! ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of One
use of these influences by the Sons of Belial brought, then, the
first of the upheavals; or the turning of the etheric rays' influence
FROM the Sun - as used by the Sons of the Law of One - into the facet
for the activities of same -produced what we would call a volcanic
upheaval; and the separating of the land into SEVERAL islands - five
in number. Poseidia then became ONE of these islands. ALSO IN:
Followers of Belial
that the entity was in the Atlantean land during the period of the
second breaking up, when the islands - or Poseida - became the main
portion of the activities. ALSO IN: Places and Descriptions of
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, when there were
those periods just after the second of the breaking-ups of the land
owing to the misapplications of divine laws upon those things of
nature or of earth; when there were the eruptions from the second
using of those influences that were for man's OWN development, yet
becoming as destructive forces to flesh when misapplied.
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those
periods when there was the knowledge - through the teachers or
leaders in the Law of One - as related to the destruction of the
Atlantean or Poseidon land.
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods particularly when
there was the exodus from Atlantis owing to the foretelling or
foreordination of those activities which were bringing about the
destructive forces.
the one before this we find in the period of the highest civilization
in the land of that peoples that brought destruction to themselves.
Then in Atlantis, when the rule brought this destruction. The entity
among those in high command and the entity lost in that period. In
the present the urge is for that dread of the influence of power in
the hands of the unworthy. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in the Atlantean land when there were turmoils, just before the
second breaking up of the land, when there were those discussions and
turmoil between the sons of Belial and children of the Law of One.
The entity joined with those to attempt to use the material advantage
of the sons of Belial but to keep the principles of the children of
the Law of One. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
was in Atlantis during those periods when there were the separations,
just before the breaking up of Poseidia. The entity then controlled
those activities where communications had been established with other
lands, and the flying boats that moved through air or water were the
means by which the entity carried many of those to the Iberian land,
as well as later those groups in the Egyptian land -when there had
been the determining that the records should be kept there. ALSO
IN: Technology, Science, Architecture ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact
with Other Lands ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
that the entity was in the land of the present sojourn when there was
the breaking up following the first destruction of Mu and Atlantis.
The entity then was a leader, but a maker of images. ALSO IN:
Vocations and Activities
was in Atlantis, when there were those divisions and the breaking up
of the land had been promised through the activities of the children
of the Law of One. The entity was among those that chose to enter as
leaders in what is now called Yucatan. And the entity aided in
establishing the temple through which there was hoped to be the
appearance again of the children of the Law of One, as they listened
to the oracles that came through the stones, the crystals that were
prepared for communications in what ye now know as radio. ALSO
IN: Followers of the Law of One ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with
Other Lands ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
was in Atlantis, just before the periods of the division, or second
division of the land, during those activities when Amileus was in the
position of carrying forward ideals. The entity was of that household
and thus of the children of the Law of One; yet chose companionship
among the sons of Belial causing consternation among those of
Amileus' activities, and brought confusion and eventual destruction
in the use of spiritual things for material benefits and appetites.
ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
was in Atlantis when there were those activities that brought about
the second destruction. The entity was of the children of the Law of
One who made overtures for the preserving of peace among the children
of the Law of One, the united effort against the sons of Belial.
ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
was in the land now called Atlantis when there were changes being
wrought in the earth, when peoples were warned to flee because of the
wrath which turned to destructive forces by the use of the divine for
personal gratification. The entity then was of the children of the
Law of One and a priestess in the Temple of the Sun. ALSO IN:
Social, Religious, Political, Legal
Did I live a former life on Atlantis and have to do with Areal
Navigation by levitational methods? (A) In former Atlantean
experience the entity aided in the various things which brought about
the destruction of Atlantis in its second experience; yes, the ruling
forces with the radiation from the stones were parts of the entity's
experience. ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land when there were
those first disturbances which brought about the upheavals. The Sons
of Belial were using the spiritual truths for self-aggrandizement,
self- indulgence. The entity, then in the capacity of the Prince of
Poseidia, attempted to prevent the use of such and thus brought on a
period of turmoils, eventually defied, brought destruction. ALSO
IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
was in the Atlantean period, during those greater upheavals in the
land, from the first and the beginning of the second destruction of
the greater body of the continent. The entity then was among those
who were the rulers, or the higher class of people in that particular
sphere; giving much in the interpretation of those activities
throughout the period; understanding much as as to the CHANGES that
were wrought through the changing from the thought form to the
various associations with the MATERIAL things during that period;
Through the activities as indicated in the name, the entity gained;
for it brought for the peace and harmony of those who held to the
according of the SPIRITUAL activities rather than to the carnal
influences that were brought by the materializing of emotions from
the spiritual aspects of the carnal forces in that experience. ALSO
IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
that we find the entity was in the land that has been called the
Atlantean, during those periods when there was the breaking up of the
land and there had been the edict that the land must be changed.
ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
was in that land now known as the Atlantean, during those periods of
turmoil when there were the rebellions that brought about the
separations of the isles and the upheavals in the land. The entity,
however, was among those of the faithful that aided in the use of
those conditions that brought succor to those that suffered either in
combat or in the physical conditions in the body; as to the
betterment of stature, as to betterment of the USE of those things as
applied in the arts for the relieving of those people, and in
bringing to the people not only the necessities but the beauties in
the life. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in those experiences in the Atlantean land, before those periods
of the second upheavals or before the lands were divided into the
isles. The entity was among those of the household of the leaders of
the One, and made for and aided in the attempts to establish for
those that were developing or incoming from the thought forces into
physical manifestations to gain the concept of what their activities
should be to develop towards a perfection in physical body, losing
many of those appurtenanes that made for hindrances for the better
activities in the experience. And the entity gained and lost in the
experience. For, while in the office of the priestess in the temple
of the One, the entity lost in the associations of the carnal
influences in relationships to those in the same activity. Yet, the
entity gained in the greater portion of the abilities to make for
disseminating truths to others. ALSO IN: Mans Initial Entrance
into Earth ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
this we find in the Atlantean sojourn when there were those turmoils
from the second period of the separations in the land, and there
began the first of the leavings of the peoples to other lands that
were being prepared or were arising in their activities. And the
entity was among those that were persuaded, through the relationships
and through the activities, to leave the law of One to join rather in
the mysteries of that as might be accomplished among a strange
people. And hence came into the land of Mayra (?) [Maya?], or that
now called - in America Nevada and Colorado. ALSO IN: Atlantean
Contact with Other Lands
was in the Atlantean land, when there were the first disturbances
that arose for the destructive influences that made for the
application of spiritual forces for the material conditions that
brought the destructive influences within that land. In the city of
the Posedians was the entity, and of those tenets of the Laws of One;
yet becoming entangled with the activities as related to use of the
principles of the stone upon the spheres, these brought to the entity
periods of self- indulgences, self-aggrandizements - and these
brought destructive forces. ALSO IN: Technology, Science,
Architecture ALSO IN: Followers of Belial
was in the land now known as the Atlantean, during those periods
before there was a great deal of destruction or erosion. The entity
then was of those peoples in charge of the services to One God, in
the Temple of Fire that was made by those who later brought
destructive forces to much of the land. The entity then was one who
ruled with a loving hand over all those peoples, yet this was taken
advantage of by one Jouuuel in that experience; and the entity
suffered much mentally, losing in its soul development, that brought
the activity into those lands where those activities were such as to
make for much that pertained to the developing of SPIRITUAL forces to
the material activities - or aggrandizing the interests of self for
the bodily needs, rather as bodily desires. ALSO IN: Followers of
the Law of One
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those
periods when there were the gatherings of those in the various lands
for the knowledge of the destructive forces that were soon to come
about in the experience of those people in the Atlantean land. The
entity then was among those who journeyed to what is now known as the
central portion of America, or Yucatan; and in those activities there
the entity rose to be one in power, from the abilities to apply and
to use the physical things that had their import and activity from
the inmost forces in nature itself. ALSO IN: Technology, Science,
was in the land now known as the Atlantean, during those periods when
destructive forces were imminent through the falling away of the
people and the uprisings of the sons of Belial that brought the
activities that made for the drawing of lines. The entity then was of
those that believed in the One, yet using its inventive forces
towards those things that brought bodily destruction; hence becoming
something of an outcast to its own peoples, yet rejecting the
activities of those that were rebellious to the law of One. ALSO
IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
was in that land now known as or called the Atlantean, during those
periods when there were the destructions or separations of the land
during the period of the first destruction. The entity was among
those who aided in the preparation of the explosives, or those things
that set in motion the fires of the inner portions of the earth that
were turned into destructive forces (unawares to many of those, yet)
- as was experienced by those that had followed in the law of the
One, and those that followed the law of Baal, the laws of nature are
used by the spiritual laws for the completing of what are as destined
forces in the lives and experiences of those that journey through
this mundane sphere. ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
was in the Atlantean land, when there was the breaking up of the
isles and it had been given out that those who would or were to be
saved must journey forth to the various centers to which the leaders
had been given the passports. The entity was among those who came
first to what is now the Pyrenees, and later to the activities -
after they had been set up years before - in the Egyptian land. ALSO
IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with
Other Lands
was in that land now known as the Atlantean, during the periods when
there were the turmoils after the first outburst - or the separation
of the isles and the land. The entity was among the people that were
with the sons of Belial, that warred with the sons of the One
influence - or the forces that are known as the relationship of man
with the Creative Forces that may be manifest in the earth. Yet with
the destruction, there was the gaining activity because of the
influence in the experience that in the present would be termed GOOD.
When those divisions again came, the entity was among those that
attempted to leave the land for the sojourning in other lands;
bringing eventually those activities in what is now known as the
Central American land. In the experience the entity became in the
latter days or sojourn, in those active forces in what may be termed
the Incal land, the second in command; becoming the priest in the
latter portion of its sojourn. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial
and Law of One ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during the periods
when there were many of the divisions that called for and produced
the destructive forces in that land. Yet when there were the
expressions of those in power to raise those who were of the menial
class, or the workers in the fields of activity that brought what is
known as the agricultural or the social service, the entity was the
intermediator for the own peoples of the lower class or caste to
those of the higher. ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
that we find the entity was in that known as the Atlantean land,
during those periods when many were making preparations for the
changes from the land when the calamitous activities were imminent -
through the activities of the sons of Belial, in opposition to those
of the Law of One. The entity then was among those peoples that were
advanced from the various developments during that period and was an
expert in handling of the crafts of the day that made for the manners
of escape by those that went to the different lands; as to the
Pyrenees, to Lama(?) or Lemu (?), into Yucatan, and to the Egyptian
land - to which the entity went and engaged in the activities there;
or all of these - as things that pertain to the Aztecs, that later
arose as those things of Egypt, the Pyrenees, the Incal - have their
influence in the entity's activities in the present. ALSO IN:
Conflict between Belial and Law of One ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact
with Other Lands
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there began to
be the rebellious forces that disputed those acts and laws pertaining
to the communications with what is termed in the present as the
unseen forces - or to those hierarchies that are given rule over
activities in the various forms in the earth. The entity was the
ruler of those forces of the Law of One; and those activities that
were raised against the entity's activities by the Belzebubs(?) make
for an influence in the PHYSICAL forces of the body of the entity in
the present. Not that which may not be arighted, if the entity - as
then - be not turned aside; irrespective of what may attempt to
divert or to alter the purposes from the whole manifestation of the
spirit of truth and light and love. Once lost in this direction,
again those greater shadows of those impending forces that the entity
saw in those mighty upheavals from the destructive forces used for
the people from the prisms' activities and from the fires that were
started for the fires of the deeper inferno that brought to the
surface those destructive forces as from nature's storehouse itself.
ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
that we find the entity was in that known as the Atlantean land,
during those periods when there were the preparations for those that
were of the household of faith, or the Law of One, when there was
seen that there were to become the destructive influences that must
shatter, must destroy the land, the peoples. The entity was among
those that were to become the emissaries or the sojourners in what is
now the Incal land, or the Peruvian land. Later from that sojourn the
entity came to what is now the Central American land, aiding in the
establishing of not only the tenets but the manners and the forms of
worship during those sojourns. The entity was among the princesses of
the land, not only of the Atlantean but of the Ohum [Aymaras] and Og
lands - and later Muri. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other
was in that land now known or spoken of as the Atlantean, during
those days when there were the attempts of those to bring quiet, to
bring order out of chaos by the destructive forces that had made for
the eruptions in the land that had divided the lands and had changed
not only the temperate but to a more torrid region by the shifting of
the activities of the earth itself. The entity then was among the
princesses of those peoples when there were the divisions of those
that were to be the rulers, those that were to be the laborers, those
that were to administer the rulings of the ruler upon those that
would be ruled. Being among the princesses of him that made for the
rulings over the land at the time the entity made for that of
bringing to her own peoples the greater understandings, and
especially those that had followed in the way of the Law of One - or
that manifested in the present as the Christ Consciousness, or the
sons of Adam that had joined themselves with the sons of God, and as
the sons of Adam that - with Amilius - had made the records of those
things whereby there might be the cleansing of the body from the
pollutions of the world, or of the animal kingdom. ALSO IN:
Conflict between Belial and Law of One ALSO IN: Social, Religious,
Political, Legal ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
that we find the entity was in the land now known as the Atlantean,
during those periods when there was the second breaking up of the
land, through the applications of the forces from within to the
activities of the elements upon the very land's force itself; the
PEOPLES making for that as brought destructive forces into the
experiences of others.
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those
periods when there had been the first of the upheavals through the
destructive forces that brought first a fear, a wonderment, and then
the seeking for those things that would quiet not only for the
material but for the mental and spiritual welfare of the peoples.
Hence the entity was among those that attempted to make for the
better understandings in the classes or castes, or those that were
the teachings [teachers?] and those that were of the peasantry - or
those as laborers. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities ALSO IN:
Social, Religious, Political, Legal
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, when there were
those activities that brought about the first upheavals, and the use
of those influences that brought destruction to the land. For the
entity then was among those of the Law of One, but was persuaded by
and with the leaders of the land to apply spiritual laws for MATERIAL
gains. Thus it brought or aided in bringing what eventually became
the destruction of the material lands.
was in the land now known as or called the Atlantean, when there were
those that questioned as to the expedience of acquainting the workers
with the appliers of the material laws and their spiritual laws. The
entity was enjoined then with the sons of the Law of One, yet made
for those associations with - and saw the divine and spiritual laws
become destructive in the hands and the activities of - the sons of
Belial. For when those facets were prepared for the motivative forces
from the rays of the sun to be effective upon the activities of those
ships and the electrical forces then, these turned upon the elements
of the earth caused the first upheavals. ALSO IN: Conflict
between Belial and Law of One
was in the Atlantean land. There the entity joined with those in
using the influences that made for destructive forces, in the use of
those things for the directing in transportation, the directing in
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the
first of the rebellions that brought the misapplication of the
knowledge; or the forces that might have been used constructively but
were used in destructive activities. The entity then joined with the
sons of Belial that brought about destructive forces in the attempts
to destroy the animal life that in other lands overran same. They
were successful in the material, but destructive in the mental and
spiritual experiences of the entity. ALSO IN: Followers of Belial
ALSO IN: The Invasion of the Great Beasts
we find an experience in the Atlantean land, when there were those
disturbing forces - or just previous to the first disturbing forces
that brought the first destruction in the continent, through the
application of spiritual things for self-indulgences of material
peoples. Those were the periods as termed in thy Scripture when "The
sons of God looked upon the daughters of men, and saw them as being
fair." In the experience the entity held fast to the Law of One.
ALSO IN: Mans Initial Entrance into Earth
was in the Atlantean land, just previous to the destructive forces
being applied by the Sons of Belial - that brought forth the
destructive influences. The entity was among the children of the Law
of One, and high in authority - or what would be termed in the
present as the leader of the soldiery forces, or the law enforcement
groups in the experience. Thus again we find the contacts were with
the lowly and those in authority, and those that made for the
misinterpretations. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in the land now known as the Atlantean, during those periods when
there was the breaking up of the lands - owing to the destructive
forces that were being wrought by the sons of Belial in the mis-
application of the lessons of truth in the land. The entity was among
those who came into the Egyptian land FROM the Pyrenee land; and
hence came with the latter portion of those from the Atlantean land.
When there were the rehabilitation and the re-activities of the
Priest in the land, the entity joined with those in the preparations
for the service in the Temple of Sacrifice and later in those
activities in the Temple Beautiful. ALSO IN: Followers of Belial
ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
was in the Atlantean land. There we find the entity was very close to
those in authority; being that one who was the keeper of the portals
as well as the messages that were received from the visitation of
those from the outer spheres, in the latter part of the entity's
experience there. For it was the entity that received the message as
to the needs for the dividing of the children of the Law of One for
the preservation of the truths of same in other lands. Hence we find
the entity was among those who were as the directors of those
expeditions, or the leaving for the many varied lands just before the
breaking up of the Atlantean land. Hence the entity outlined in the
most part, it might be said, the expedition guided by Ax-Tell and the
ones to the Pyrenees and to the Yucatan and to the land of Og. There
we find the entity then gave those communications that were
established later by the entity from the Pyrenees, and later again
established in the mountains in the Grecian land - and there those
messages that called for the meetings of the nations were brought
about by the activities of that entity during that sojourn. Later,
with the revivifying of the Priest in Egypt, the entity was among
those who set about the unifying of the teachings of the Atlanteans,
the Egyptians (as they would be called today), the Indian, the
Indo-Chinan, the Mongoloid and the Aryan peoples. All of those were
the activities of the entity, for he was the messenger and the
message-bearer - or the means through which transmissions of
activities were set up. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other
in that period when Atlantean forces were in activity. The entity
then among those that gathered in the mountain tops and watched over
the destruction by the incoming of waters, and over the vast expanses
as were made by the receding of waters. The entity then WONDERED,
even as the little one, even as one wondering about the development
of movement of forces from within that awakens those passions that
may bring beings into the world, or those that may wreck the mental
and physical. SO the body wondered as respecting what the whole force
in nature meant; a worshiper of the sun later, yet GAINING through
the experience in that there came that consciousness of the forces as
are manifested in nature of every character, that are shown in the
moods or the varied experiences of an ACTIVE mind, or man.
was in the Atlantean period before there was the general exodus, but
at that period of the general breaking up and the first inundations
through the use of spiritual powers in the attempt to carry
determining factors in material experience. Remember, such are
against the creative laws or forces, and must eventually bring - as
to every man - the result of that sown - the time to be happy, the
time to be sad, the time to laugh, and the time to mourn. For as one
sows, so must one reap. For the entity made misapplication of those
tenets through the Law of the Children of One, and tended to give to
the children of Belial those activities that were misapplied in their
experience. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
in the experience as among the children of Belial in the Atlantean
land, ye sought to make for the use of the spiritual laws to gratify
the beauty, the joy of carnal living. So ye brought destruction, not
only to thyself bodily but to those of that land; and thus brought
destruction. ALSO IN: Followers of Belial
was in the land now known as or called the Atlantean, during those
periods of the breaking up of same, when there were many divisions of
those in the various portions of the earth as were then coming into
activity. The entity was among those who went to what was the Mayan
or Mayan and Incan activity, or the land of Oz. In the experiences
the entity led in the preserving of those things which brought the
creating of vibratory forces as from the very ESSENCE of nature's
storehouses themselves; and thus the vibrations of metals, of juices,
of plants, of the activity of nature or of the sun and the dew upon
same became the entity's activities. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact
with Egypt ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal ALSO
IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
was in the Atlantean land, when there were the first of the
destructive forces applied in the attempts to bring individuals into
the better associations, where there were the lesser developments
(those individuals who were partly thought-forms). These brought
destructive forces into the experience of the entity through the lack
of knowledge as to the universality of the law of creative forces
being first the law of love, next the law of propagation as by its
OWN specie, and next as evolution. ALSO IN: Social, Religious,
Political, Legal
the Atlantean experience, as we find. For, as the entity then was
able to use or apply those tenets or truths from the spiritual
supply, so did the entity confuse in the application of the same
thing, made into what was called mechanical means, or materialized
power of a universal nature used in material ways for destructive
forces, as well as for material benefits or pleasures.
the one before this we find in that land known as the Atlantean,
during those periods when there were the breaking up of the lands
following the destruction of the southernmost portion, in the first
eruptions, when there was the journeying of many to the various
lands. The entity then was among those who journeyed to that portion
of the sphere now known as Yucatan. The entity rose from the small
child then to the priestess in the temple there; and the entity
gained and lost through the experience. The entity gave much to the
peoples in beauty and developing of home life, of the ritual life, of
the spiritual understanding in this changed environ; bringing much
that later made for the closing of selves to the outside world, yet
this was not that given by the entity - rather the interpretation
made of the entity's activities by the priest Allai who rose later.
ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
was in the Atlantean land, in those periods when there were the
rebellions by the children of Belial; but the entity was of the
children of the Law of One. When there were the preparations for
leaving because of the upheavals and the influences that were to
bring about the complete destruction, the entity was among those who
journeyed first to what is now a part of Spain; later to the Egyptian
land, during that period when there were the reactions from the
return of the Priest and the Temple Worship. The entity aided the
Priest in bringing about a correlation of the activities. Thus in the
Temple Beautiful did the entity bring about the interpretations of
the Law of One. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of
One ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
was in the Atlantean land, through those periods just prior to the
second divisions of the land - through those periods of material
advancement. The entity was of the children of the Law of One, and
yet was tempted by the sons of Belial. In the experience the entity
wrestled oft with self in body as related to the temperament of mind
and of spirit. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those periods of necessity
of the groups being separated, owing to the upheavals as were being
brought by the sons of Belial - in using spiritual forces for
self-gratification, self-indulgence. The entity was among the
children of the Law of One, and among those that went first to the
Pyrenees, then to the Egyptian land; where there were, with those
periods of purification, the attempts of the teacher or leader to
unify the activities. And under the varied groups that bound
themselves for a single purpose for the establishing materially of
the things that be of God, the entity joined there in a service that
brought the abilities of that land to produce those products that
became the activities which have preserved the records later of that
land. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
the one before that, in the land of the Atlantean forces, when the
greater rule was in that land, and through which those people brought
self-destruction to themselves in the change of the position of the
earth's plane. The entity then among those establishing the first
laws in that land. ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
the one before this in that of Poseidia, and in that Atlantean rule
this entity then was in the household of the peasant that gave the
information regarding the upheaval in the mountains that brought the
destruction to the land.
Cayce Readings Copyright Edgar Cayce Foundation 1971,
Original Page
Design and Programing by William
Terrell Copyright William Terrell 1996 All Rights Reserved