The Edgar Cayce Readings
Continent and Culture of Atlantis
Readings Extract - Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
READING: 364-4
And Ohum, that builded the walls across the mountains in this
period, through those same usages of that as had been taken on by
those peoples. And also into American area and became the first of
the mound dwellers, or peoples in that land. ALSO IN: The Races
of Man at the Time
READING: 364-4
With the continued disregard of those that were keeping the pure
race and the pure peoples, of those that were to bring all these laws
as applicable to the Sons of God, man brought in the destructive
forces as used for the peoples that were to be the rule, that
combined with those natural resources of the gases, of the electrical
forces, made in nature and natural form the first of the eruptions
that awoke from the depth of the slow cooling earth, and that portion
now near what would be termed the Sargasso Sea first went into the
depths. With this there again came that egress of peoples that aided,
or attempted to assume control, yet carrying with them ALL those
forms of Amilius [?] that he gained through that as for signs, for
seasons, for days, for years. Hence we find in those various portions
of the world even in the present day, some form of that as WAS
presented by those peoples in THAT great DEVELOPMENT in this, the
Eden of the world. ALSO IN: References to Location of Atlantis
ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
Poseida when the laws were given in that land, and the entity then
was in the courts of the people as taken from other lands and brought
to this, and became the one that gave much of the licentious
intuition to the peoples in the land to which the entity was brought.
ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
the one before this we find in that day when there was the
destruction to the elements of earth [Atlantis?], then in now the
PERUVIAN countries, when the lands disappeared in the low places and
the entity was left alone in the higher mound to which the entity had
then gone for its study.
to the Great Congress held during the age of the destruction of the
enormous animals. In the period when this became necessary, there was
the consciousness raised in the minds of the groups, in various
portions of the earth, much in the manner as would be illustrated by
an all- world-broadcast in the present day of a menace in any one
particular point, or in many particular points. The gathering of
those that heeded was like a meeting of scientific minds of the
present day. They met to devise ways of doing away with that menace.
The manner in which these gathered was very much like the Graf [Graf
Zeppelin?] were to gather those that were to cooperate in that
effort. The ways devised were those that would change the ENVIRONS
for which those beasts were needed or take away their sustenance in
the particular portions of the earth that they inhabited. This was
administered much like sending out from various central plants a
"Death Ray", or the super-cosmic ray, from the
stratosphere. This was to draw upon the varied conditions that
existed in the various portions of the land then occupied by man.
ALSO IN: The Invasion of the Great Beasts ALSO IN:
Technology, Science, Architecture ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient
Earth Changes
was in that period known as the Atlantean, among the sojourners from
Atlantis who came to what is now known as Yucatan - and was in the
temple worship there.
would indicate that period of activity when there was being sought
safety from the flooded waters from Atlantis, in what became the
Incan land.
was in that known as the Poseidian land, during those periods when
the people had come from Muir, Ur, Lemuria, and the other lands, for
the indwelling of the various activities, the seeking together for
the divining of many activities or principles in human endeavor. The
entity then was among those who would be termed in the present the
alchemists of the period. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in that now and then called the Atlantean land, in the city of
Poseidon, when there had begun the fires of the rebellions that
brought about those activities by those of high authority in portions
of the activities of the land that made for its destruction. The
entity then was among those of the household of Aja and acted as the
priestess to those in the Temple of Light, that made for the guiding
of those things pertaining to the motivative influences in the
MATERIAL affairs of individuals; what would be termed in the present
as those who oversaw the activities of the communications between the
various lands - as from Om, Mu, the hierarchy land in that NOW known
as the United States, in that particular portion of Arizona and
Nevada that are as a portion of that Brotherhood of those peoples
from Mu. ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
the periods arising when there was the last of the destructions (for
the entity sojourned in the Poseidian land, and about that temple
there, in the spirit influences of the material activities, for some
six thousand years - if counted as time now), the entity journeyed
with those people for the Yucatan land, or the establishing of the
temple there in which the entity aided. But with those inroads from
the children of Om and the peoples from the Lemurian land, or Mu, the
entity withdrew into itself; taking - as it were -its own flight into
the lands of Jupiter.
in the Atlantean land, there were those making for that change that
was for the preservation of the peoples; and the entity - with others
- migrated to what is known as the Peruvian, or later known as the
Incal land.
What was the date of the Peruvian incarnation as given in Life
Reading, and what was the disturbance in the earth as mentioned? Give
such details as will clear up this period. (A) As indicated from that
just given, the entity was in Atlantis when there was the second
period of disturbance -which would be some twenty-two thousand, five
hundred (22,500) before the periods of the Egyptian activity covered
by the Exodus; or it was some twenty-eight thousand (28,000) before
Christ, see? Then we had a period where the activities in the
Atlantean land became more in provinces, or there were small channels
through many of the lands. And there were those, with the entity and
its associates or companions, who left the activities to engage in
the building up of the activities in the Peruvian land. For the
Atlanteans were becoming decadent, or being broken up owing to the
disputes between the children of the Law of One and the children of
Belial. ALSO IN: Reference to Time Periods of Events ALSO IN:
Conflict between Belial and Law of One ALSO IN: Atlanteans and
Ancient Earth Changes
sojourn from Atlantis brought the entity into that now known as the
Yucatan land. And in those activities there did the entity gain much
in the making for the establishing of the temple worship, the temple
service, the temple activity. Not in the capacity of what would be
termed a priest, nor a king. For, as is innate in the experience of
the entity from its activities in the earth, an all for one or a one
for all rule becomes rather that which is innate.
was in that now known as the Atlantean land, during those periods
when there were the first of those that journeyed from Atlantis
through the first breaking up to the Incal land, or the sons of Ohum
entity then was among those, in the Incal land, in that particular
portion of the experience that acted rather in the capacity of the
priestess to the sons of Ohum, and to him who rose and fell the
entity became rather the leader; strengthening during the sojourn of
the entity in that experience those that later came to what is now
known as Yucatan or the Central American land. There the entity
journeyed back and forth with the sons of Zan and made for the
establishing of the material communications that brought
strengthening to the many. And the entity gained in those
experience before that was in Atlantis when there were the activities
of much communication with other lands being attempted to begun. The
entity was rather averse to the interchange of communication with
other lands; being among those that studied of the Law of One, and
the Priestess in that particular experience. ALSO IN: Followers
of the Law of One
Atlantis the entity visited. Incarnated in what is now Tibet, but a
visitor to that land during that period when there was the spreading
of the teachings from that NOW known as the Mohamets [Mohammeds or
Muhammads?]. ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
was in that known as the Atlantean land, in those periods when there
were the comings of those from Atlantis to first the Pyrenees and
then portions into Egypt; when there was the distributing of those
tenets that had been correlated by the entity's peoples and the
Priest, with those in the Mongolian, the Indian, the Carpathian
experience. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
the entity was among those who journeyed from Atlantis or Poseidia
itself, first to the Pyrenees or Portugese land and later into what
would be called in the present the Egyptian land - during those
periods after the recall of Ra-Ta, when he with Saneid and the
activities from the land of On and Oz and those from what is now
known as the Gobi land attempted to make for a unification of the
knowledge. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
we find the entity was among those who were not only in what is now
known as the Yucatan land, but also the Pyrenees and the Egyptian.
the one before this, we find in that land known as Atlantis. The
entity then among those of the people - when the destruction to the
land came - in trying to escape the entity lost in that experience -
for with those who escaped to the land now known as South America the
entity assisted in establishing selfish desires among the peoples who
the entity abode with.
was in Atlantis during those periods when there were the separations,
just before the breaking up of Poseidia. The entity then controlled
those activities where communications had been established with other
lands, and the flying boats that moved through air or water were the
means by which the entity carried many of those to the Iberian land,
as well as later those groups in the Egyptian land -when there had
been the determining that the records should be kept there. ALSO
IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes ALSO IN: Technology,
Science, Architecture ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
was in Atlantis, when there were those divisions and the breaking up
of the land had been promised through the activities of the children
of the Law of One. The entity was among those that chose to enter as
leaders in what is now called Yucatan. And the entity aided in
establishing the temple through which there was hoped to be the
appearance again of the children of the Law of One, as they listened
to the oracles that came through the stones, the crystals that were
prepared for communications in what ye now know as radio. ALSO
IN: Followers of the Law of One ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient
Earth Changes ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
that the entity was in Atlantis when there were those changes in
those periods before the second breaking up, when there was the
escape to the Incal land. The entity then was a priestess who led
groups of people into that activity. It may be said that the entity
set a type of worship that eventually caused individuals to come to
worship the entity, for its beauty, for its grace, for its ability to
control others in groups according to whatever the desires were for
the carrying on of those activities.
entity became a princess in Yucatan.
was in Atlantis when there were those changes being made, and the
entity was among those who were to enter into activities in other
lands. The entity then was among those who went to portions of what
is now the Iberian Peninsula. It didn't change with the groups that
went to Egypt, but there the entity became as the leader of that
particular group; not too good a leader.
the breaking up of the land the entity was among those that set sail
for the Egyptian land, but entered rather into the Pyrenees and what
is now the Portuguese, French and Spanish land. And there STILL may
be seen in the chalk cliffs there in Calais [Galice?] the activities,
where the marks of the entity's followers were made, as the attempts
were set with those to create a temple activity to the follower of
the law of One. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt ALSO
IN: Followers of the Law of One
as will be seen from those that may yet be found about Alexandria,
the entity may be said to have been the first to begin the
establishement of the library of knowledge in Alexandria; ten
thousand three hundred before the Prince of Peace entered Egypt for
His first initiation there. For, read ye, "He was crucified also
in Egypt."
was in that land known as the Atlantean, during those periods when
there were the questions arising much as may be termed in the land
today, in a local section, as to the acknowledgement of the castes in
a land where the untouchables are considered as but dogs among the
higher castes. The entity was in that position then of attempting to
gain for the untouchables an approach for their own self-development
during that period.
this we find in the Atlantean sojourn when there were those turmoils
from the second period of the separations in the land, and there
began the first of the leavings of the peoples to other lands that
were being prepared or were arising in their activities. And the
entity was among those that were persuaded, through the relationships
and through the activities, to leave the law of One to join rather in
the mysteries of that as might be accomplished among a strange
people. And hence came into the land of Mayra (?) [Maya?], or that
now called - in America Nevada and Colorado. ALSO IN: Atlanteans
and Ancient Earth Changes
that we find the entity was in that land known as the Atlantean,
during those periods when individuals were leaving the lands for
self- protection in other lands. The entity was among those peoples
that went to what is now known as Central America, the Mayan peoples,
and became among those in the temple service there; being second in
position of importance, as would be said or termed from present
was in the Atlantean land, when there was the breaking up of the
isles and it had been given out that those who would or were to be
saved must journey forth to the various centers to which the leaders
had been given the passports. The entity was among those who came
first to what is now the Pyrenees, and later to the activities -
after they had been set up years before - in the Egyptian land. ALSO
IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes ALSO IN: Atlantean
Contact with Egypt
was in that land now known as the Atlantean, during the periods when
there were the turmoils after the first outburst - or the separation
of the isles and the land. The entity was among the people that were
with the sons of Belial, that warred with the sons of the One
influence - or the forces that are known as the relationship of man
with the Creative Forces that may be manifest in the earth. Yet with
the destruction, there was the gaining activity because of the
influence in the experience that in the present would be termed GOOD.
When those divisions again came, the entity was among those that
attempted to leave the land for the sojourning in other lands;
bringing eventually those activities in what is now known as the
Central American land. In the experience the entity became in the
latter days or sojourn, in those active forces in what may be termed
the Incal land, the second in command; becoming the priest in the
latter portion of its sojourn. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient
Earth Changes ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
that we find the entity was in that land now known as the Atlantean,
during those periods when there were the attempts of the individuals
to leave same through the knowledge that there must be very soon the
destruction of same. The entity was among those who went to the land
now known as the Egyptian, during those periods when there was the
attempt to overshadow the teachings of the Priest that had recently
been returned to the position of affluence. The entity brought
contradictory experiences in its own self and was banished to what
later became the period of uprisings by those in what is now the East
Indian land. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
in the Atlantean rule. The entity then one of high authority, being
then the ruler in that land, during the age of advanced forces as
seen in earth's plane. The entity ruled well, developed much, until
the again forces of the entering of others from other spheres, and
through the warring of the nations then in that land, the entity
became selfish in that last period. The urge from this is toward
those of the arts and especially of that of the work in those of
stone, marble, granite, or of elemental forces in same, for under
this rule some of the most beautiful buildings were erected in that
plane and the entity brought much to the peoples until those
destructive forces coming from the rule in the Pyrenees brought the
destruction in that land. In the urges, the greater being then, the
desire of an understanding of all force as is applied in mechanical
construction in lifting forces, for the entity then was able to
assist much to the peoples of that period. ALSO IN: Technology,
Science, Architecture
entity was not among those to be sent to the Egyptian land, but
rather among those that went to the western portions of the land and
eventually to that known as the Yucatan and the Central American
land; for in those sojourns the entity was active in establishing a
development in the agricultural field, or the growth of those things
that made for the sustenance in the new land. ALSO IN: Vocations
and Activities
that we find the entity was in that known as the Atlantean land,
during those periods when many were making preparations for the
changes from the land when the calamitous activities were imminent -
through the activities of the sons of Belial, in opposition to those
of the Law of One. The entity then was among those peoples that were
advanced from the various developments during that period and was an
expert in handling of the crafts of the day that made for the manners
of escape by those that went to the different lands; as to the
Pyrenees, to Lama(?) or Lemu (?), into Yucatan, and to the Egyptian
land - to which the entity went and engaged in the activities there;
or all of these - as things that pertain to the Aztecs, that later
arose as those things of Egypt, the Pyrenees, the Incal - have their
influence in the entity's activities in the present. ALSO IN:
Conflict between Belial and Law of One ALSO IN: Atlanteans and
Ancient Earth Changes
was in the Atlantean land, when the people were entering into other
lands for their preservation of their activities through those
periods when destructions were coming to the land. The entity then
was among those who were the leaders into what is now known as the
Egyptian land, bringing with same much of what may be made from the
electron music where color, vibration, activities make for toning
same with the emotions of individuals or peoples that may make for
their temperaments being changed. ALSO IN: Technology, Science,
that we find the entity was in that known as the Atlantean land,
during those periods when there were the preparations for those that
were of the household of faith, or the Law of One, when there was
seen that there were to become the destructive influences that must
shatter, must destroy the land, the peoples. The entity was among
those that were to become the emissaries or the sojourners in what is
now the Incal land, or the Peruvian land. Later from that sojourn the
entity came to what is now the Central American land, aiding in the
establishing of not only the tenets but the manners and the forms of
worship during those sojourns. The entity was among the princesses of
the land, not only of the Atlantean but of the Ohum [Aymaras] and Og
lands - and later Muri. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth
was in that now known as or called the Atlantean land, during those
experiences when there was the egress of the peoples before the
periods of the final destruction. The entity was among those that
made for the coordinating of the activities with those of the various
lands to which they were to journey. Then the entity was not only
something of the judge and jury, as would be called, but was one
entrusted with a mission for seeking out those lands that were to
make for the proper surroundings, environs and activities for the
peoples. And the entity came into that land now known as the Central
American land, where the peoples builded many of the temples that are
being uncovered today. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in that now spoken of as the Atlantean land, in those periods
when there were the beginnings of the breaking up of that land and
the sojourning of those people to various other lands. The entity was
among those who took up their sojourn in what is now Spain and
Portugal, or the Pyrenees, and those activities there.
that we find the entity was in the land now known as the Atlantean,
when there were the disturbances upon which those divisions arose.
The entity then took the part of those who later became the heads of
those that warred against those of the Law of One. In those
experiences the entity made for destructive forces in the early
experiences, yet with those activities that brought about the union
in body with one of the daughters of the Law of One, the entity then
become to each group as one set apart. For the teachers of the Law of
One were afraid of the ability, while those that were of the sons of
Belial were afraid of the entity becoming what would be termed in the
present as a traitor. Hence throughout those periods the entity
became then THAT ONE that led the first establishing of the activity
in the varied lands that came to be known as later the Mayan, the
Yucatan, the Inca, the Peruvian - and LATER the Mound Builders in the
northern portions of the entity's present sojourn. (Ohio) ALSO
IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those
periods when there were the beginnings of the exodus owing to the
destructive forces that had been begun by the sons of Belial. The
entity was among the Princes of the land that made for the separating
of those influences wherein there might be established the
journeyings to other lands, with the keepings of records, with the
permanent establishments of activities that have become a part of
that ye call civilization in the present time. Hence we find the
entity making for the establishments in the Yucatan, in the Luzon, in
what became the Inca, in the North American land, and in what later
became the land of the Mound Builders in Ohio; also the
establishments of those activities in the upper portion of what is
now the eastern portion of the land. The entity then was not only one
skilled in aircraft and in watercraft, as an aviator and a navigator,
but made great strides in keeping in touch with other lands through
the forces of nature in the experience. ALSO IN: Followers of
Belial ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
was in what is now known as or called the Atlantean land, during
those periods when there were changes. The entity then was among
those who journeyed to what is now the Pyrenees, or the Portuguese or
Spanish land. And there, with the beginnings of the correlating of
the tenets as to law, as to order, as to the helpful experiences of
the varied groups, the entity rose to one of power, one of authority.
The entity held to the tenets of the laws of One, and with those from
the land of Mu, or those from the Gobi land, those from Saneid and
Ra-Ta, the entity became as one that FOSTERED there much of those
tenets as were gained by the collaborations of the better influences
as gained from those teachings of each in the entity's surroundings.
ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
was in the Atlantean land when there were those journeyings from same
into the Egyptian land, and into the various periods of
interpretations. The entity aided not only Ra but those of the land
of Saneid, those from the land of Wu, those from the Pyrenees and
those from the Carpathian land. All of these were a part of the
activity of the entity, as the princess of those peoples as they came
from the Atlantean land and gave the interpretation of the Law of One
as reflected in the mechanical, the commercial, the spiritual, the
theological activities of the experiences of individuals. Entity's
experience was more active than many of the peoples; for the burdens
of the many activities fell upon the entity in the interpretation of
those various tenets and truths. And it might be said that the entity
was the more active in bringing about that period in the experience
of the earth when there were the closer walks with the sons of God by
the sons of men, through the peace wrought by the allaying of the
fears of those in many varied lands. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact
with Egypt
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the
journeyings to many another lands. The entity was among those who
were sent as the directors to what became the Yucatan land, and in
the setting up of the temple and the temple service, the temple of
worship, the temple of differentiation in the laborer and the ruler.
The entity made for a great service to a great people; that made for
the bringing about of the preservation of much that may some day make
for a unifying of the understandings as to the relationships of man
to the Creative Forces. ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political,
was in the land now called the Atlantean. There the entity was a
priestess. For the entity was of the peoples of the Law of One, and
with the breaking up of the land itself and the beginning of the
exodus of those peoples, the entity was among those that journeyed to
what is now called the Yucatan land - or the Ithmus land. And with
the building up of those activities, the establishing of the temple
service, the applications of the temple's activity to the
commercialization - or those activities in which many of what ye call
in the present new discoveries, these were but a portion of the
entity's associate's activities during that experience. And when
there became the heresaying, yea in those periods when there became
an activity in which those portions of the land were discovered from
what was left of Lemuria, or Mu -in what is now lower California,
portions of the valleys of death, the entity journeyed there to see,
to know. And during those experiences much was set up that may be of
interest to the entity, that will be a part of the discoveries of
natures or natural formations in what is now the Canyon Island. For
THIS was the entity's place of the temple. For the entity then was a
priestess that made for the correlating of tenets of all portions of
the earth, for the unifying of the activities of spiritual
understanding, and the application of spiritual laws - not as for
material but for the harmonious and the peace of the peoples. ALSO
IN: Pre-existing Civilizations ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of
One ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those periods of
preparation for leaving the land; through the teachings of the Law of
One, of which the entity was a member - and not only a member but a
princess in same. The entity held closer to the tenets, the teachings
of that dependence of those in authority upon the higher influences
that might enter through those days and seasons and periods of
preparation for the receiving of the principle which had entered in.
When the divisions came the entity was among those who went into the
Egyptian land; first in the Pyrenees land, then -with the acceptance
of the Priest of Egypt and the King, and the attempts for the
correlation of these for applications in the experiences of those of
the land - the entity made for great help to the peoples from the
Abyssinian land and the peoples from the Indian land - or from Saneid
and the peoples from the land of Mu and the Golden City, or City of
Gold. Hence the entity as an emissary, as a teacher in those periods,
aided much in the establishing of the unity of purposes through the
various centers. ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of One
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were those
activities that brought about the last destruction of same through
the warrings between the children of the Law of One and the sons of
Belial or Bel. There the entity was among those who waned between the
children of faith or the Law of One and those who sought the use of
the spiritual forces for their own self-indulgences,
self-aggrandizements. The entity was among those, though, who were
sent to what later became or is in the present the Yucatan land, of
the Mayan experience. There the entity rose to one of power; yet with
those very wavering experiences there was not always peace brought to
the entity. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
was in the Atlantean land, when there were the breaking up and the
separations of the children of the Law of One and the sons of Belial,
the daughters of Belial. The entity was among those who were chosen
for the westward activity; and in the Mayan or Yucatan land the
entity was a Princess of the Temple of the Sun. In that sojourn the
entity ruled not with an iron hand (as it would be proverbially
termed) but with the positive hand, for the constructive influence.
And because there was the injection of the human or the blood
spilling, by the priests of the entity there was not the hardening;
for these were the manners in which the entity sought to MAKE the
channels through which the purity of the race might come. ALSO
IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
was in the Atlantean and, when there were those divisions of the land
and the separation of the peoples into the various portions of the
then continent -or in various positions of the activities in the
continent. The entity was among those who came to the American land,
and began a part of the experiences with the peoples who were later a
part of the entity's own people. In that experience the entity rose
to a position of power in material things; as in the abilities to
direct individuals, to induce others to become active in what would
be the more helpful experience in the establishing of homes,
communities and places of refuge for those who were afflicted. ALSO
IN: Vocations and Activities
was in the Atlantean land. There we find the entity was very close to
those in authority; being that one who was the keeper of the portals
as well as the messages that were received from the visitation of
those from the outer spheres, in the latter part of the entity's
experience there. For it was the entity that received the message as
to the needs for the dividing of the children of the Law of One for
the preservation of the truths of same in other lands. Hence we find
the entity was among those who were as the directors of those
expeditions, or the leaving for the many varied lands just before the
breaking up of the Atlantean land. Hence the entity outlined in the
most part, it might be said, the expedition guided by Ax-Tell and the
ones to the Pyrenees and to the Yucatan and to the land of Og. There
we find the entity then gave those communications that were
established later by the entity from the Pyrenees, and later again
established in the mountains in the Grecian land - and there those
messages that called for the meetings of the nations were brought
about by the activities of that entity during that sojourn. Later,
with the revivifying of the Priest in Egypt, the entity was among
those who set about the unifying of the teachings of the Atlanteans,
the Egyptians (as they would be called today), the Indian, the
Indo-Chinan, the Mongoloid and the Aryan peoples. All of those were
the activities of the entity, for he was the messenger and the
message-bearer - or the means through which transmissions of
activities were set up. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth
was in the Atlantean land when there was the breaking up of the land,
and when there was the journeying of those to the various lands for
activities. There we find the entity first coming into what was
called the Mayan land, or what is now Yucatan. With the establishing
of the associations of many of the peoples (in which the entity was
closely associated in the Atlantean land) in the Pyrenees and in the
Egyptian land, the entity was the first - in that period of
experience - to cross the waters in the plane or air machine of that
period. While there were disputes especially with Ax-Tell and the
leaders who made for those activities in the Egyptian land, the
entity was sent eventually as the emissary to the land of Said; and
in that particular experience the entity made for the greater
associations for the activities in the Egyptian land; joining with
those from the land of Saneid and those from what is now the
Mongoloid land, as well as those in what is now the Indo-China land.
in the Atlantean period, when at that time before the first of the
destructive forces, and the usages of the influences as were gathered
by the peoples to the lands about, when the entity builded those that
made for the carrying of those machines of destruction that sailed
both through the air and under the water, did the entity carry on in
this period - and the entity gained through this experience, gaining
in that given and in the attempt to influence the PEOPLES, the
ENTITIES OF the period, to use -rather than abuse; for many climes,
many lands, sought for the INFLUENCE, for the counsel that their
lands might be blessed. ALSO IN: Technology, Science,
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean experience, when there
were those activities in which there were separations of the land
into individual groups for the varied activities in other lands.
There we find the entity was among those of the children of the Law
of One, yet materially was pulled between many an influence. For
there was a division of the entity's affections in that experience,
for the varied settlements that were brought about. The entity was a
princess and one able to adapt the mechanical appliances in those
periods, and those activities in many lands came from the abilities
of the entity in using those forces of nature itself for the
convenience of man in material plane.
that we find the entity was in the land now called the Posedion or
Atlantean land, when there were the disturbances between the children
of the Law of One and the sons and daughters of Belial. The entity
then was among those who sought the preservation of the records of
the peoples of the Law of One, and induced those divisions that were
sent out as emissaries to establish in the various stages or spheres
of human endeavor those places for the preservation of such; the
ENTITY to the Pyrenees land, - and did not reach the Egyptian, nor
hear from the other expeditions which the entity had caused to be
established. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
the one before this we find in that land known as the Atlantean,
during those periods when there were the breaking up of the lands
following the destruction of the southernmost portion, in the first
eruptions, when there was the journeying of many to the various
lands. The entity then was among those who journeyed to that portion
of the sphere now known as Yucatan. The entity rose from the small
child then to the priestess in the temple there; and the entity
gained and lost through the experience. The entity gave much to the
peoples in beauty and developing of home life, of the ritual life, of
the spiritual understanding in this changed environ; bringing much
that later made for the closing of selves to the outside world, yet
this was not that given by the entity - rather the interpretation
made of the entity's activities by the priest Allai who rose later.
ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
was in the Atlantean land, in those periods when there were the
rebellions by the children of Belial; but the entity was of the
children of the Law of One. When there were the preparations for
leaving because of the upheavals and the influences that were to
bring about the complete destruction, the entity was among those who
journeyed first to what is now a part of Spain; later to the Egyptian
land, during that period when there were the reactions from the
return of the Priest and the Temple Worship. The entity aided the
Priest in bringing about a correlation of the activities. Thus in the
Temple Beautiful did the entity bring about the interpretations of
the Law of One. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of
One ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there was the
breaking up and the journeying to the various lands. The entity was
among those who came to what is now the Yucatan land, later
journeying with many of those peoples to the south and west - or in
portions of Arizona, as now known. Through the experience the entity
was among those who made use of spiritual laws for material
affectation; not so much in the abuse as in the negligence in
supplying or in aiding others - that were of the groups of "things"
- to attain to a greater awareness. ALSO IN: Social, Religious,
Political, Legal
in that land known as the Atlantean, and during that period when
there was the expanding of the peoples as separated themselves to the
various portions of the earth's plane, or surface at the period. The
entity then among those who became the settlers in that NOW known as
the South American land, or the land THEN of the Ohums. The entity
rose to one of position and power, gaining AND losing through that
experience, gaining in the service as WAS rendered, losing in the
aggrandizement of selfish interests in the period.
in the days when the change was being made from the Atlantean
countries to the northern portion of now Spanish forces. Entity then
one of the greater entertainers of the time, though not reaching any
great height on account of the change in the ruler of the forces
pertaining to entertainment of the peoples, during the change. In the
development, the entity gained much, especially in the way of being
amenable to conditions and able to work under any circumstance. ALSO
IN: Vocations and Activities
in the days when the first of the peoples came into that country of
the Jardines (Gadarenes?), when the Atlantean forces were in the
power and rule. The entity then in the form and manner of the peasant
to the peoples and gave of self in the development of the peoples
towards the agricultural intent of storing up foods for those who
were of the less fortunate of the peoples. The entity in this
developed much, for the first of brotherly love shown in the earth.
ALSO IN: Places and Descriptions of Atlantis ALSO IN:
Vocations and Activities
was in the Atlantean land, but among those groups dispatched to other
lands at the time of destruction. With the entrance of the groups
into Egypt the entity was among those who had been in the Pyrenees.
With distribution of various groups the entity went into the land of
Saad. There the entity made application of those tenets that were the
combination of the Egyptian and the Atlantean teachings. ALSO IN:
Atlantean Contact with Egypt
was in the Atlantean land when there were those breakings up of the
land, and the entity was with many of those that went to the land now
known as or called the Spanish land. While many of the people changed
to the Egyptian land, the entity remained in the Pyrenean areas and
there established those tenets and truths that aided much until
hordes from the African land brought destruction to those peoples.
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there was the
abandoning of the land owing to the periods of destruction. The
entity was among those that came to what is now the southern portion
of the land of the present nativity, or in what is called Yucatan -
then it was called Yuk. In that sojourn the entity was among those
that aided in establishing there the priests and the priestesses in
the activity of the teachings of the peoples as related to the Law of
One. In the latter portion of the entity's sojourn there, many of
those lands now known as the Egyptian - then of Mu or Ra -came to
pass the messages for the building of the activities and of those
things that made for the preservation of the thoughts and teachings
of those people in that land. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with
was in the Atlantean land and the entity was among those who were the
princesses of the Atlanteans. Holding to the activities of the
children of the law of one when there were those disputations and the
sons of Belial were using the spiritual ideals for material gains,
came the divisions and the destruction. The entity was among those,
however, who changed to the land now known as the Peruvian or Incal
land and the entity was still as a princess of her peoples and set
about to make for the activities and the worship of one God. These
were the experiences of the entity where there were those rebellious
forces again for self- indulgences, self-gratifications, and not
until there had been those establishings of associations or
communications with those in the Egyptian land was there peace
brought in the experience of the entity's activities. ALSO IN:
Social, Religious, Political, Legal
was in the Atlantean land, or in that place or position called
Poseidia; during those periods when there were the destructive
forces, and when the detentions arose between the sons of Belial and
those of the Law of One. The entity then was among the lesser
priests, and a minister to the ills of the peoples who came for
judgement and understanding. And when there was the egress to the now
known Yucatan land, the entity was among those chosen to act in the
capacity as the priest, or the minister of judgement; both as to the
relationships of individuals among themselves, or one with another,
and as to the spiritual and physical instruction of those people who
journeyed to the land. ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political,
Legal ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in the Atlantean land, in those periods when the earth was being
broken up, as far as the Atlantean land was concerned; and the entity
came with those groups for search through other lands. The entity was
among those who searched more than one place, to find those places to
which there might be sent those who were to be saved. Hence there was
a knowledge of the Yucatan land, as well as the settlings in the
Pyrenees, as well as part of the activities in the Egyptian land. We
find the entity was a sojourner in Poseidia, in the earlier portion
of that experience; and then, with the determining factors as from
the disputes between the children of the Law of One and the sons of
Belial, the entity was among those who sojourned in the Egyptian
land, during the periods of reconstruction.
was in the Atlantean land when there were those periods of the last
upheavals, or the disappearance of the isles of Poseidia. The entity
was among those groups that went into what later became known as the
Inca. For the entity then was in the line of the house of Inca, and
was the mother of an Inca in the Peruvian land as called in the
Cayce Readings Copyright Edgar Cayce Foundation 1971,
Original Page
Design and Programing by William
Terrell Copyright William Terrell 1996 All Rights Reserved