The Edgar Cayce Readings
Continent and Culture of Atlantis
Readings Extract - Social, Religious, Political, Legal
READING: 364-3
In the MANNER of living, in the manner of the moral, of the
social, of the religious life of these peoples: There, classes
existed much in the same order as existed among others; yet the like
of the warlike INFLUENCE did NOT exist in the peoples - AS a people -
as it did in the OTHER portions of the universe.
READING: 364-4
As technology grew, envy, greed and such came to an innocent
people. Polluted themselves with contempt, hatred, bloodshed,
selfseeking without respect to the freedom and wished of others. Sons
of the Law of One observed the fall. Latter part of the beginning of
Atlantis brought about dissenting and divisions among the peoples in
the lands. Those still not so possessed and wrapped up in attention
and concern about material reality, and kept intact their abilities,
BUILDED those things that ATTEMPTED to draw BACK those peoples;
Through first the various changes (or seasons) that came about . And
(in the latter portion of the experience of Amilius), was the first
establishing of the altars upon which the sacrifices of the field and
the forest were made, And those that were of that that SATISFIED the
desires of the physical body, were builded.
the destructive forces being meted out the invading animals, we find
the first turning of the altar fires into that of sacrifice of those
that were taken in the various ways, and human sacrifice began. ALSO
IN: The Invasion of the Great Beasts
the latter portion of Atlantis CITIES were builded more and more.
Rare became those abilities to call upon the forces in nature to
supply the needs for those of bodily adornment, or supply the
replenishing of the wasting away of the physical being. ALSO IN:
Technology, Science, Architecture
to the highest point of civilization, this would first have to be
determined according to the standard as to which it would be judged:
As to whether the highest point was when Amilius ruled with those
understandings, as the one that understood the variations (changes in
the Earth), Or whether they (the variations) became man made, would
depend upon whether we are viewing from a spiritual standpoint or
upon that as a purely material or commercial standpoint. ALSO IN:
Technology, Science, Architecture
Describe some of the mental abilities that were developed by the
Atlanteans at the time of their greatest spiritual development. (A)
Impossible to describe achievements physical in their spiritual
development. The use of MATERIAL conditions and spiritual attributes
in a material world would, and do, become that as are the miracles of
the Son in the material world; for even as with Him in - and as He
walked, whether in Galilee, in Egypt, in India, in France, in
England, or America - there WERE those periods when the activities of
the physical were as was what would be termed the everyday life of
the SONS of God in the Atlantean or Eden experience; for as those
brought the various changes from the highest of the SPIRITUAL
development to the highest of the mental, then of the MATERIAL or
physical developments, then the fall - see?
what uses, then, did these people in this particular period give
their efforts, and in what directions were they active? As many
almost as there were individuals! for, as we find from the records as
are made, to some there was given the power to become the sons of
God; others were workers in brass, in iron, in silver, in gold;
others were made in music, and the instruments of music. ALSO IN:
Vocations and Activities
the first, then, we find the necessity of now supplying its own
foods, its own protection, its own activities for amusements, for
developments, for its associations one with another, and - as given -
then selfishness, and the desire to excel, the desire to place self
as in control of, in the supervision of, those things or others about
same, gradually developed households, groups, clans, masses, then
originally - or eventually - in that known as various groups, houses,
or nations. With these developments came then the gradual injections
of the use of elements from without for protection, as implements
with which to protect themselves, which began with the use of FITTING
stone, iron, brass, copper, and those elements known in the present,
as instruments of warfare, or of building, or of preservation of the
various emoluments of individuals. Hence we had also those for
ornamentation of the body, ornamentation of the abode, ornamentation
of the various surroundings that had to do with the individuals in
their various sets, classes, or groups. These made for such as dwelt
in groups in homes or cities, while others made for those as of
following the field, or those as of the hunters, or those as of the
agriculturists, or those that had herds, and their various
necessities that followed with these.
Atlanteans followed the examples of nature and built according to its
instinctive forces. Hence the first became dwellers in the rocks, in
the caves, and those also that made their homes or nests, as it were,
in the trees and in the various things that surrounded their
environs. Then began the coordinating of combined forces of a
household, which made for the building up of clans in their varied
activities, those of a nature builded together.
buildings were much in that of tiers - one upon the another, save
principally in the temples. The temples were about the sacred fires
where those sacrifices that were gradually builded by the people in
their attempt to appease those forces in nature, were offered. In
these temples, we find these of large or semi-circular columns of
onyx, topaz, and inlaid with beryl, amethyst, and stones that made
the variations in catching the rays of the sun. Hence a portion of
same became as the sun worshippers in other portions, from which
there were an egress of the peoples. ALSO IN: Technology,
Science, Architecture
the temples the sacred fires burned, and there were the rising of the
intermittent fires that came and went, that were later worshipped by
some that brought on much of the destruction, because they waited
long at the period before the destructions came. These were those
places where there became eventually the necessity of offering human
sacrifices, which when put into fires became the ashes that were cast
upon the waters for the drinking of same by those that were made
prisoners from portions of other lands.
the setting up of the temples, those in the temple ruled - rather
than those who held official positions in carrying out the orders of
those in these positions.
temples had the outer court - or where groups or masses might
collect. The inner, those that were of a select group, or those of
the second chambers. Those of the inner court, or shrine about the
altar, were only for the elect, or the chosen few.
was in the Atlantean land during those periods when there were the
separations of the peoples from the high and the low estates of the
varied developments that were in that period of man's experience in
the earth, when there were the sons of the High; or, as given in holy
writ, "The Sons of God looked upon the daughters of men."
The ENTITY was among the sons of God, yet, looking upon the daughters
of men, and making of self in those associations those periods when
faith was broken with others, when there was the belittling of the
tenets and the truths in the POWERS that had been given among those
peoples for the cleansing their souls that they might be one with the
Creative Forces in this MATERIAL world and in the spiritual forces
in that land known as the Atlantean, and in that period when there
had been builded those developments of the peoples in the land. The
entity then among the rulers of the land, being associated with those
that WERE AS the rulers that were later divided into male and female.
The entity then, in attempting to seek or to follow close in the line
of these, there was brought that of the first dissension, in the
dissatisfaction of the inabilities to change its body to that as
would entice or bring those influences into the lives of those the
entity contacted. ALSO IN: Division of Body into Two Sexes
Poseida when the laws were given in that land, and the entity then
was in the courts of the people as taken from other lands and brought
to this, and became the one that gave much of the licentious
intuition to the peoples in the land to which the entity was brought.
ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
entity made for a foregathering with these for power, having been of
the priestesses of the land; and through the activities of Belial
became the priestess in the temple that was built in opposition to
the sons of the Law of ONE. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and
Law of One ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
the one before this we find in the Poseidian rule [Atlantis] when the
greater forces were being given to the then civilized forces, and the
entity then finding the greater force, and giving the laws to the
individuals of that time. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
Atlantis the entity then was the princess in that land. Here the
entity got the experience of pomp without the application in the
proper manner, yet the entity felt, acted, enacted, against the
people - suffering much in body and mind for an ideal. ALSO IN:
Vocations and Activities
entity brought to those peoples (Yucatan) the ESTABLISHING of the
relationships - in the solemnization of relations between individuals
as they took up their service, or their labors one with another. Or,
as may be termed, the CONSECRATING of the lives of individuals as to
their relation one with another in sex; or as in relation to the
general service of the individuals or groups to which individuals
allied themselves.
journeyed to that land which was later submerged [Atlantis?]; and the
entity gained through the experience, in the arts of those peoples,
in the commercial, the social, and those that added to the comfort of
the home, those that added to the abilities of making associations,
communications and connections with those peoples in distant
Egypt, during those periods when there was the exchange of ideas
between the Egyptian civilization (or Egyptian tend and thought) and
the gradual acceptance of idolatrous thought in Atlantis. The entity
was then among those that saw both, the one in its decline and the
other in its arising. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
aided much in the records; not only of the period but as to how the
varied activities were to be in the land pertaining to the records of
that which was to be, as well as that which had been, and the records
in that monument or tomb or pyramid yet to be opened. Records also of
those that were transferred from the destruction of the Atlantean
land. For, the entity was still in charge of these records when the
last of the peoples of Atlantis journeyed to the various quarters of
the globe; ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
were also established storehouses, that would be called banks in the
present, or places of exchange, that there might be the
communications with individuals in varied lands; for even in this
period (though much had been lost even by these peoples) was there
the exchange of ideas with other lands, as of the Poseidian and Og,
as well as the Pyrenean and Sicilian, and those that would now be
known as Norway, China, India, Peru and American. These were not
their names in that particular period, but from whence there were
being gathered a portion of the recreations of the peoples; for the
understandings were of one tongue! There had not been as yet the
divisions of tongues in THIS particular land. This was yet only in
the Atlantean or Poseidian land. With the gathering of these people
and places, there began the erecting of the edifices that were to
house not only the peoples, but the temple of sacrifice, the temple
of beauty - that GLORIFIED the activities of individuals, groups or
masses, who had CLEANSED themselves for service. Also the storehouses
for the commodities of exchange, as well as that gathered by the
peoples to match - as it were, still - one against the other. Hence
we find the activities of the priest, or seer, as really a busy life
- yet much time was given in keeping self in communion with those
that brought the knowledge of that progress made in the spiritual
sense in other lands, especially so from Poseida and Og.
the one before this in the land known as Poseida, in the temple of
that peoples. The entity again the musician, and sounds of all
natures were produced upon the instruments of the day. While this
peoples, as to material conditions, reached even a higher state of
application of material things (hence called civilization) than even
of the present day; yet the application towards material surmounted
that toward the spiritual; though a form of worship was maintained
through the period, and the entity was among those worshiped by the
peoples of a portion of the land. ALSO IN: Vocations and
in that land now called the Atlantean, in Poseidia. The entity was
among those of the upper classes who belittled self that there might
become a better understanding between those that ruled in power,
might and mind, and those that supplied the necessity for bodily
adornments or material supplies. ALSO IN: Vocations and
was in that land known as the Atlantean, and in Poseida, among those
that wrought for the separating of those advanced, or those that
worked with the hand and those that guided through the mental
abilities of the peoples. The entity then was among the court peoples
that aided in the temples that were wrought for the satisfaction of
those that were true in spirit, as well as those that aggrandized for
self's interests - that brought the destructions to the land. Known
then as one of the messenger bearers to the peoples and to those in
authority. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
in that land known as Poseida. In the city of Amaki did the entity
rule as the priestess to the fire worship and to the precious stones
that were gathered together during that sojourn. By some the entity
was termed as a good ruler; by some felt as some that oppressed those
who WOULD use those things attained in the MENTAL for the use in the
material. ALSO IN: Places and Descriptions of Atlantis
during those periods when there were those sojournings of groups and
individuals from the Atlantean land to the periods of activities in
that now known as the Egyptian land, when a turmoil and a strife was
in progress. The entity made many trips to and from Egypt to the
Atlantean land, to Poseidia, where the activities of a peoples in a
commercial way and manner, in a spiritual way and manner, had brought
a high order of civilization - as would be termed in the present.
Finally settling in the Egyptian land when there had been the
restoration of the priest Ra- Ta, the entity - given into the
activities of the commercial forces of the land - aided in bringing
much to a peoples, to break down the conditions that arose from the
rebellions between the natives and those who sojourned there for
their own development and for the maintaining of those influences
whereunto there might be given greater expression to the
manifestations of the relationships between man and man, and between
the Creative Influences, and how that the application of a soul to
its fellow man MADE for manifestation of the spiritual and soul
forces in the earth. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
was in that now and then called the Atlantean land, in the city of
Poseidon, when there had begun the fires of the rebellions that
brought about those activities by those of high authority in portions
of the activities of the land that made for its destruction. The
entity then was among those of the household of Aja and acted as the
priestess to those in the Temple of Light, that made for the guiding
of those things pertaining to the motivative influences in the
MATERIAL affairs of individuals; what would be termed in the present
as those who oversaw the activities of the communications between the
various lands - as from Om, Mu, the hierarchy land in that NOW known
as the United States, in that particular portion of Arizona and
Nevada that are as a portion of that Brotherhood of those peoples
from Mu. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
was in the land now known as the Atlantean, and many were the
sojourns; for there the entity oft laid aside the physical body to
become regenerated in its activities in the material associations,
even from those periods of the beginnings of the destructive
influences that arose from the sons of Belial through the activities
of Beelzebub. The entity was among the priestesses of the Law of One,
serving in the temples where there was the raising of the light in
which the universal forces gave expression and brought for the body,
the mind, the impelling influences. And the entity THEN (if it were
to be expressed in the parlance of the present day) was not only the
priestess but the physician, the doctor, for those peoples during
that sojourn.
then was among those of the One Faith, being a brother of the Prince
of Atlantis; and aided in making the better associations in
activities between the common people and the rulers of the land;
bringing better influences in the living conditions, in the
activities of the people in their relationships. ALSO IN:
Vocations and Activities
was in the Atlantean periods when much of the destructive forces were
being maintained by the religious-political activities (as would be
termed) of the peoples in the period. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and
Ancient Earth Changes
entity was among those that were set upon to apply their abilities in
relationships to the varied conditions that were to be brought about
to IMPEL a people to submit to the influences that might be brought
to bear.
we find that the Atlantean activities, especially, brought the entity
in contact with great numbers of individuals of various stages or
developments in the mental and material relationships.
the entity made more of the individual application in the arts or in
the experiences of individuals arising from their various estates of
activity in their relationships to what was seen in the developments
from the lower estate of human form to the divine as seen in the
perfect body, rid of those encumbrances that were experienced by many
in such a sojourn.
entities that were then the producers (as we would term today), or
the laborers, the farmers or the artisans, or those who were in the
positions of what we would call in the present just machines, were
those that were projections of the individual activity of the group.
And it was over these then, and the relationships that they bore to
those that were in authority, that the differences arose. ALSO
IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
this entity was among those who attempted to make such conveniences a
part of the experience of those who were -as indicated - the
producers of that used for food, clothing; for the MACHINES as it
were for the producing of these - as we would call them today; rather
than the machines used for the sources of the correlating or
centralizing or crystallizing of the activity in their very forms.
ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
Atlantis the entity visited. Incarnated in what is now Tibet, but a
visitor to that land during that period when there was the spreading
of the teachings from that NOW known as the Mohamets [Mohammeds or
Muhammads?]. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
in the land when the highest civilization existed in Atlantis. The
entity then among those who preserved the laws of the peoples as
relating to the mysteries of the races. Hence the entity lost and
gained through that experience, for in the application of same to
selfish desire the entity brought destructive forces to self and
self's inner being; yet innately the mysteries of numbers, races,
places, shrines, stones, temples, and such, keep the entity - as it
were - in innate fear of their meaning. ALSO IN: The Races of Man
at the Time
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those disturbances arising
in which there were the warnings for those peoples that the end of
those activities was at hand, and when many journeyed to the varied
lands. The entity chose rather to remain.
was also in the Atlantean land, among the sons of that one who first
set about to choose that way in which there would be those
applications for the benefit of the group, rather than just
individual application, - when those activities brought about the
united efforts that had been proclaimed by the entity's father.
the one before this we find in that land known as Atlantis, and the
entity among those present when the destruction came, and EVER
present in the entity is fear of turmoils, riots, or of earthquakes.
These really cause shudders even, in the inmost being of the entity.
The entity gained through that period, gaining in the attempt (though
failing in same) to prevent the activities of the peoples towards
self- engorgement, or the taking on of self in the manner of
worshiping self's abilities rather than applying the self as the
channel or the motive through which universal forces might act.
in land known as Poseida, in Atlantis. The entity then, again, in
power, and queen of Poseida. The entity in power and in fame, RULING
rather with the IRON hand - as would be termed in THIS day. Losing
through a portion of the experience, in bringing peoples to the way
of hating one another.
entity then labored among those less fortunate, seeking to give the
opportunity to the various groups to become better acquainted with
the laws and the spiritual laws. The entity was a princess in that
period, or of the Law of One. ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of
was in Atlantis during those periods when there was the breaking up
of the lands, when individuals were apportioned, as it were, to the
various centers from which it was hoped that there would be the
spreading of the tenets and teachings.
was in the land of the present sojourn, during the early activities
of a peoples that had been banished from Atlantis. The entity was
among those of the second generation of Atlanteans who struggled
northward from Yucatan, settling in what is now a portion of
Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio; being among those of the earlier period
known as Mound Builders. Then the entity was among those who supplied
to the peoples the fruits of the soil, learning how to crack corn,
wheat and grain, that it might be prepared into foods through cooking
-though much in those periods was taken raw. ALSO IN: References
to Location of Atlantis
was in the land now called Atlantis when there were changes being
wrought in the earth, when peoples were warned to flee because of the
wrath which turned to destructive forces by the use of the divine for
personal gratification. The entity then was of the children of the
Law of One and a priestess in the Temple of the Sun. ALSO IN:
Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
was in Atlantis, a priestess and the keeper of the white stone or
that through which many of those peoples before the first
destructions in Atlantis kept their accord with the universal
consciousness, through the speaking to and through those activities.
in that land known as the Atlantean period, and during that time when
much of the peoples were in the position of using all the forces in
nature. The entity was then of the princesses of the land, and in
power, in authority, in one close to those that ruled the land. The
entity then in ease, luxury, comforts of the material forces - and in
a PORTION of the experience did (that which TO the peoples even) err,
and to self brought distrust in others and in self. Entity became the
ruler of fire, and of those forces in nature that had to do with fire
and its origins.
was in the Atlantean period, during those greater upheavals in the
land, from the first and the beginning of the second destruction of
the greater body of the continent. The entity then was among those
who were the rulers, or the higher class of people in that particular
sphere; giving much in the interpretation of those activities
throughout the period; understanding much as as to the CHANGES that
were wrought through the changing from the thought form to the
various associations with the MATERIAL things during that period;
Through the activities as indicated in the name, the entity gained;
for it brought for the peace and harmony of those who held to the
according of the SPIRITUAL activities rather than to the carnal
influences that were brought by the materializing of emotions from
the spiritual aspects of the carnal forces in that experience. ALSO
IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
figure would be in the Atlantean costume; a headdress as of a band of
gold, the characters upon same being V's with a dash between them.
The hair would be golden; the dress an apron as of skins - though NOT
skins, but folds - in purple. The face would be towards the sun;
hence only the profile would be shown. [7/30/42 See 5746-1, Par. 13-A
saying the V's stand for victory.]
that we find the entity was in the land that has been called the
Atlantean, during those periods when there was the breaking up of the
land and there had been the edict that the land must be changed.
ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
in that of the land known as the Atlantean, when the destruction came
to those lands. The entity then was among those who served in the
council of the ruler, and the entity then attained position, power,
pomp, glory. Physically and mentally the entity was the peer of the
councillors, and the entity and the entity applied same well and
aright! ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
in that land known as the Atlantean, and in that period when there
were the beginning of the peoples harkening to those influences
wherein one controlled another by the mental being. The entity
rebelled against the mis-application, the mis-use of those forces;
gaining in part and losing mightily in that the entity used for self
that of which she accused others. In this rebellion the entity lost,
in that the entity turned same to self's OWN interests. ALSO IN:
Technology, Science, Architecture
that we find the entity was in that land now called the Atlantean,
during those periods when there were the rumblings of the destructive
forces that were being made aware by the actions of those that had
joined themselves to the sons of Baalilal. And the entity, as it
were, was torn between two opinions. For, while the cares of material
things were joined to Baalilal, the spiritual and the desires in that
direction were joined rather with the sons of One -or those of the
purified in body. Entity was torn in mental, torn in body, torn in
the developments for the soul; for the experiences in that sojourn -
that would make for rather an interesting study of the conditions
that existed in that land - were those that drew men to desire the
explorations of the laws that pertained to spiritual forces for the
aggrandizing of selfish motives in material bodies. For, the entity
was among those; being not only in the position of being torn between
the two opinions, but was one experimented upon - in changing in many
of those things that pertained to what is called now the attributes
of material desire and spiritual desire. ALSO IN: Conflict
between Belial and Law of One
was in that land called or known as the Atlantean, during the periods
when there were the attempts of many before the rise of the
destructive influences that brought forth the sinking of the lands
upon those shores. The entity aided in carrying to the common
peoples, and the peoples that had journeyed to the land, a greater
understanding of the activities in that particular experience; Then
the entity was in those capacities that made for the advancement of
those of the low estate, in not only the mental and material but
those that were without hope. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during the periods
when there were many of the divisions that called for and produced
the destructive forces in that land. Yet when there were the
expressions of those in power to raise those who were of the menial
class, or the workers in the fields of activity that brought what is
known as the agricultural or the social service, the entity was the
intermediator for the own peoples of the lower class or caste to
those of the higher. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth
Changes ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in what is now called the Atlantean land, during those periods
when there were the turmoils among the common people that were beset
by the sons of Belial, or those that denied the authority of the sons
of the Law of One, or those periods when destructive forces brought
about the disintegration of the second period of the activities in
that particular land. The entity was among those who were beset by
the sons of Belial to become as one that would betray to them the
tenets and the truths or the lessons that were proclaimed by those
that had descended to give the messages as from on High to those as
they met in the crystal room, or those that met about those palaces
of those in power. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of
in those periods when there was the entering of the Atlanteans, with
those THINGS or servants, and the attempts of the leaders there to
classify many of the Natives with such groups as had been brought in
by the King, the Priest and the Atlanteans, there came consternation
in the experience of the entity. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with
was in that land now known or spoken of as the Atlantean, during
those days when there were the attempts of those to bring quiet, to
bring order out of chaos by the destructive forces that had made for
the eruptions in the land that had divided the lands and had changed
not only the temperate but to a more torrid region by the shifting of
the activities of the earth itself. The entity then was among the
princesses of those peoples when there were the divisions of those
that were to be the rulers, those that were to be the laborers, those
that were to administer the rulings of the ruler upon those that
would be ruled. Being among the princesses of him that made for the
rulings over the land at the time the entity made for that of
bringing to her own peoples the greater understandings, and
especially those that had followed in the way of the Law of One - or
that manifested in the present as the Christ Consciousness, or the
sons of Adam that had joined themselves with the sons of God, and as
the sons of Adam that - with Amilius - had made the records of those
things whereby there might be the cleansing of the body from the
pollutions of the world, or of the animal kingdom. ALSO IN:
Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes ALSO IN: Conflict between
Belial and Law of One ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
was in that now known as the Atlantean land, among those peoples that
were not given into charge of the moral and religious life of the
country just previous to the last destruction; but was rather among
those of the upper classes that acted in the capacity of overseers or
judges among the laboring periods or laboring activities of a portion
of those people. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
that we find the entity was in that now known as the Atlantean land,
during those periods of what is termed as the second change or
upheavals, when there began those attempts of the sons of Belial and
of the Law of One to instruct portions of the laymen, or those that
were as laborers in those active fields of service in that particular
land. The entity then was a priestess in the temple of the Law of
One. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those
periods when there had been the first of the upheavals through the
destructive forces that brought first a fear, a wonderment, and then
the seeking for those things that would quiet not only for the
material but for the mental and spiritual welfare of the peoples.
Hence the entity was among those that attempted to make for the
better understandings in the classes or castes, or those that were
the teachings [teachers?] and those that were of the peasantry - or
those as laborers. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in what is now known as or called the Atlantean land, during
those periods when there were changes. The entity then was among
those who journeyed to what is now the Pyrenees, or the Portuguese or
Spanish land. And there, with the beginnings of the correlating of
the tenets as to law, as to order, as to the helpful experiences of
the varied groups, the entity rose to one of power, one of authority.
The entity held to the tenets of the laws of One, and with those from
the land of Mu, or those from the Gobi land, those from Saneid and
Ra-Ta, the entity became as one that FOSTERED there much of those
tenets as were gained by the collaborations of the better influences
as gained from those teachings of each in the entity's surroundings.
ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those periods of
disturbances owing to those confusions arising between those in
authority that would make for the universality of knowledge of all
natures and those that held for castes and for positions. While the
entity joined with those of the Law of One, it longed for and
betrayed much of that to those things that later became as the
temptations and the turmoils of those peoples in that experience.
ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
in that land known as the Atlantean, when there were the first of the
using of the elemental forces in the application of those things that
dealt with the creating of those forces of nature into the
MATERIALIZED forms. The entity among those of the elite, as would be
termed in the present. A priestess, and a princess, in the temples of
that Tuco [?] city, and the temple of light. The entity gained and
lost miserably through these experiences. Gained in bringing an
understanding to many of the applications that were beneficial in
relationships to the Creative Forces, as well as to individuals.
Losing in bringing servitude to many through the aggrandizing of
those things that pertained to gratification of MATERIAL things,
MATERIAL desires in body, in mind. ALSO IN: Technology, Science,
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the
greater questionings between the sons of the Law of One and the sons
of Belial; or between those that were purified by the keeping of the
pure strain and those that were projections by thought individuals or
beings. The entity was among those who were active in attempting to
keep the strains or the lineage pure; and a priest under the leader
of that experience and that period - and remained pure yet suffered
much in material or mental projections owing to dissensions among
those with whom the entity was BODILY in love. ALSO IN: Conflict
between Belial and Law of One
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the
journeyings to many another lands. The entity was among those who
were sent as the directors to what became the Yucatan land, and in
the setting up of the temple and the temple service, the temple of
worship, the temple of differentiation in the laborer and the ruler.
The entity made for a great service to a great people; that made for
the bringing about of the preservation of much that may some day make
for a unifying of the understandings as to the relationships of man
to the Creative Forces. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other
was in the land now called the Atlantean. There the entity was a
priestess. For the entity was of the peoples of the Law of One, and
with the breaking up of the land itself and the beginning of the
exodus of those peoples, the entity was among those that journeyed to
what is now called the Yucatan land - or the Ithmus land. And with
the building up of those activities, the establishing of the temple
service, the applications of the temple's activity to the
commercialization - or those activities in which many of what ye call
in the present new discoveries, these were but a portion of the
entity's associate's activities during that experience. And when
there became the heresaying, yea in those periods when there became
an activity in which those portions of the land were discovered from
what was left of Lemuria, or Mu -in what is now lower California,
portions of the valleys of death, the entity journeyed there to see,
to know. And during those experiences much was set up that may be of
interest to the entity, that will be a part of the discoveries of
natures or natural formations in what is now the Canyon Island. For
THIS was the entity's place of the temple. For the entity then was a
priestess that made for the correlating of tenets of all portions of
the earth, for the unifying of the activities of spiritual
understanding, and the application of spiritual laws - not as for
material but for the harmonious and the peace of the peoples. ALSO
IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands ALSO IN: Pre-existing
Civilizations ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of One
was in the land now called the Atlantean, during those periods before
there were the definite separations of the children of the Law of One
and the children of Belial. The entity was among those of the
household of the priest, yea the entity then was a princess of royal
blood - as would be called today, as was called then. For the entity
rose to that power or position in which there was the supervision of
that stone upon which the light of heaven shone for the blessings of
man, that brought the divinations to the peoples as to their
relationships to the godly forces as might find expression. ALSO
IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those experiences in which
the peoples of the Law of One and the Sons of Belial were making for
those changes between the peasants and the peoples of the Temple
Service and activities. The entity then was among the children of the
Law of One, and among those of the Temple; yet made overtures for the
consideration of those that were of the lowly or the working or the
peasant peoples. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
in the Atlantean land, when there was the SECOND period of the
upheavals in the land. The entity was a priestess in the Temple then
of Light, the temple in which there were the activities in
associations with the Law of One. The entity held such activities not
so close as some, and not so close as the priests especially of the
older ones judged she should. For the entity consorted with those who
were, to the priests, questioned; and the entity during that
experience had seventeen sons by seventeen DIFFERENT men! These
brought those activities of many disturbing forces, yet never were
the priests - either of Belial or of the Law of One - able to prevent
the entity from leading in the activities in the Temple of Light.
ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of One
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods just previous to the
second destruction, or upheaval, when there were the rebellions of
the sons of Belial and the activities of the children of the Law of
One to produce or bring about a unity of service. There we find the
entity was not a prince but in the office as it were of one, so
closely associated with those that were in authority as to be
CONSIDERED as one. For the entity then was a mate or a twin, that was
often mistaken for the Prince himself; though not even of the same
family, yet of such a mould, such an activity as to be oft
misunderstood, misdirected in some ways and manners - until the union
of their purpose and activity made for the preventing of turmoils
arising in the experience of Su-Son. In the experience, though, the
entity made WARS upon the children of Belial. ALSO IN: Conflict
between Belial and Law of One
was in the Atlantean land, when there were the breaking up and the
separations of the children of the Law of One and the sons of Belial,
the daughters of Belial. The entity was among those who were chosen
for the westward activity; and in the Mayan or Yucatan land the
entity was a Princess of the Temple of the Sun. In that sojourn the
entity ruled not with an iron hand (as it would be proverbially
termed) but with the positive hand, for the constructive influence.
And because there was the injection of the human or the blood
spilling, by the priests of the entity there was not the hardening;
for these were the manners in which the entity sought to MAKE the
channels through which the purity of the race might come. ALSO
IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
this entity is among the Atlanteans, we find that the natural tend or
trend of the entity is to be scientific, - as all of those Atlanteans
who are to make themselves felt in the affairs of the earth during
their activity, some in one direction, some in another. All are more
or less inclined to be termed, in the parlance of the day, scientific
in their very natures.
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land during those
periods between the second and the last upheavals; when there were
the great antagonistic feelings between the sons of Belial and the
children of the Law of One. The entity was among the children of the
Law of One who made the greater overtures to those peoples for the
acknowledging of the laborers, and to make their experiences easier,
- those laborers that were considered by many as merely THINGS rather
than individual souls. The entity gained, for it eventually became a
priestess to the laboring ones. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial
and Law of One
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the
attempts to reconstruct the activities and purposes of those peoples,
after the second of the upheavals or the breaking up of the land or
the continent. The entity was among the sons of the Law of One; and
the applications materially of the entity were in the use of some of
nature's forces or influences, in those elements known as electrical
forces, or electricity in the present. ALSO IN: Technology,
Science, Architecture
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the
second of the upheavals. The entity was among the children of the Law
of One, and the entity gave of itself as a sacrifice for the attempt
a to bring to the consciousness of the greater portion of the people
those influences and forces for the relationships of the Creator to
the creature. Hence we will find in the latter portion of the
experience the entity becoming a teacher and a missionary in a manner
to a great THRONG of peoples. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of One
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there was the
exodus to other lands. The entity entered into the Egyptian land with
Ajax, as well as those peoples of that land who later became a part
of the municipal as well as the religious activities, with a
combination of the efforts of the Priest of that period as well as
the King. With the reestablishing of the Priest as that part of the
physical mental and spiritual development of the land, and the
attempts to unite the efforts of the many lands, the entity became a
part of that influence; especially in its abilities for activities in
keeping the records of the various groups who were entrusted with the
dispensing not only of knowledge but of moneys or the wherewithal for
the carrying on of the various undertakings in the land. Thus the
entity grew to be one in power, and one acquainted with the affairs
of many lands. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt ALSO IN:
Vocations and Activities
was in the land now known as or called the Atlantean, during those
periods of the breaking up of same, when there were many divisions of
those in the various portions of the earth as were then coming into
activity. The entity was among those who went to what was the Mayan
or Mayan and Incan activity, or the land of Oz. In the experiences
the entity led in the preserving of those things which brought the
creating of vibratory forces as from the very ESSENCE of nature's
storehouses themselves; and thus the vibrations of metals, of juices,
of plants, of the activity of nature or of the sun and the dew upon
same became the entity's activities. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact
with Egypt ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes ALSO
IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
was in the Atlantean land, when there were the constructive forces as
to the activities of the children of the Law of One, - in all of
those influences during the periods when the land was being broken
up. We find the entity was as the leading influence for the
considering of ways and means in which there would be the preserving
of records, as well as ways, means and manners in which either the
few or the numbers might be preserved from the destruction of the
lands. It would be well if this entity were to seek either of the
three phases of the ways and means in which those records of the
activities of individuals were preserved, - the one in the Atlantean
land, that sank, which will rise and is rising again; another in the
place of the records that leadeth from the Sphinx to the hall of
records, in the Egyptian land; and another in the Aryan or Yucatan
land, where the temple there is overshadowing same. There we find the
entity was as the leader of those influences to those that made for
the escapes. And though the entity kept itself in the background,
innately there is held the thought or feeling within the experience
of the entity in the present that SOMEWHERE, somehow, there may be
found that manner, that means, that way in which all of that which
has BEEN may become a part of men's experience in the IMMEDIATE, now.
ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of One ALSO IN: Vocations and
was in the Atlantean land, when there were the first of the
destructive forces applied in the attempts to bring individuals into
the better associations, where there were the lesser developments
(those individuals who were partly thought-forms). These brought
destructive forces into the experience of the entity through the lack
of knowledge as to the universality of the law of creative forces
being first the law of love, next the law of propagation as by its
OWN specie, and next as evolution. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and
Ancient Earth Changes
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when turmoils and
strifes arose because of the activities of the sons of Belial. For
the entity then was among the princesses, being of the children of
the Law of One, - and one through whom much of counsel and direction
was obtained, through the very high spiritual development of the
entity and the remaining true to the law of the children of One.
Hence we find the entity's activities were to assist, to aid, and to
build into the experiences of those who were as THINGS, rather than
expressing as human activities in the experience, though they were in
the form of - and acted in the capacity of - servants. The entity
rendered much aid to such beings, and thus brought on disturbances,
that caused then the attempts of the sons of Belial (who had been a
part of the experience, and who were in love with the entity,
materially) to undermine and bring about destructive forces in the
entity's experience. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of
was in the Atlantean land, during those activities in that period
preceding the second upheavals. The entity was among the children of
the law of One; a high priestess, who chose to keep within self those
abilities for progeneration. (Remain male and female) ALSO IN:
Followers of the Law of One
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there was the
breaking up and the journeying to the various lands. The entity was
among those who came to what is now the Yucatan land, later
journeying with many of those peoples to the south and west - or in
portions of Arizona, as now known. Through the experience the entity
was among those who made use of spiritual laws for material
affectation; not so much in the abuse as in the negligence in
supplying or in aiding others - that were of the groups of "things"
- to attain to a greater awareness. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact
with Other Lands
was in the Atlantean land. There the entity was a priestess in the
temple. For, the entity was of the children of the Law of One, and
the entity interpreted to the peoples through those periods just
before the first destruction of those principles of the relationships
of individuals along the varied stages of their spiritual evolution.
in the Atlantean country, when the civilization was then at or near
its height, and the entity then occupying that position of the
daughter to the ruler and gave much to the development of the poorer
people of that country. In that period we find the entity kept away
from those of the opposite sex, for the love was given in one of low
estate and could not bring self to the conditions necessary for the
consummation of the desires in each one's inner self.
in the Atlantean land. HERE the entity was near to those that made
for the destructive forces, as well as for those that were the SAVING
of the peoples in the land, aiding then in making the preparations
for the sojourning or the leaving of peoples that would go to other
lands before the final destruction came to this land; yet choosing to
be rather among those to REMAIN - as would be termed - in the sinking
the one before this we find in that period when the Atlantean forces
were at their height. The entity then in that of the temple worship
gave the sacrificial offerings for the peoples then worshiped under
the rule of that sex, and the entity lost and gained in that period,
for, with the destruction of the peoples, the entity lost, in that
the desires of the earthly nature. The entity gave much in the first
portion of the life through that of the beautifying of the temple
service, and the desire in the present for those of beautiful
textural garments is seen from this period.
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods of the early rise in
that land of the sons of Belial as oppositions, that became more and
more materialized as the powers were applied for self-aggrandizement.
The entity was among the children of the Law of One that succumbed to
the wiles, - and it may be WELL interpreted in that answer recorded
in Holy Writ, - "Ye shall not SURELY die, but it is pleasant for
the moment, and for the satisfying of longings within." Thus did
the entity begin to use spiritual forces for the satisfying of
material appetites. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of
was in the Atlantean land, during that period not of the second
destruction but of the early upheavals and activities of varied
groups that were a part of the evolution of bodies and minds, and of
the others that were a part of the idea of evolution for
conveniences, for the settling of judgements and for drudges in the
activities. The entity was among those that had studied the
propositions as related to group activities as a whole, rather than
the detail manner in which they would be carried out.
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods just before the
second upheaval. There the entity was among the children of the Law
of One, and attempting to embrace - in the services and the
activities - those "things", or the evolutionary
individuals in the land by the decisions of the sons of Belial. The
abilities as an executive, as a politician, as a detective, as a
writer, come from those applications of mental tenets and truths
through that experience.
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those divisions arising
just before the end or the destruction. There the entity was among
the children of the Law of One, and those of the elite of the period;
not a princess, but among those of the princess court; and yet
enamored of one of the sons of Belial. This brought questionings,
those periods of anxiety. As to the actual fact of physical activity,
the entity ever remained true. As to the mental desires, these were
expended often in the periods that would cause many questionings
-even to those of that day, and that would be questions in the mind
of the entity, or individuals clarifying same in the physical
activity in the present, as related to relationships with varied
groups and those of the other sex. ALSO IN: Conflict between
Belial and Law of One
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those periods of
disturbances between the children of the Law of One and the sons of
Belial - as they were indicated in those periods. The entity then was
among those that were of the priests in that period, thus making for
the creating of better conditions for the "things," or
those used as the laboring peoples through those periods - the
activities that kept closer to the tenets of the children of the Law
of One, and the use of the influences of nature. ALSO IN:
Conflict between Belial and Law of One
was also in the Atlantean land, when there was the first of the early
breaking up - this was before the 10,500 period, and time was counted
little in those days because of the full awareness of only those
things about the groups or individuals who made overtures or
appreciation for assembling together the families. There the entity
was among those peoples who set about to establish customs and rules
of order assumed by those to whom the activities had been given, for
their presenting to the peoples of the time. ALSO IN: Reference
to Time Periods of Events ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in the Atlantean land. There the entity was among those of the
children of the Law of One, being among those to whom was entrusted
the preparations of Temple through which there was at each period the
listening or the warning received from other sources than
materiality. The entity rose to the capacity of a priestess and -
still, every whit the woman, with the emotions throughout of same;
thus bringing to its associates many children through that
was in the Atlantean land during those periods when there were
activities that brought about the questionings which arose between
the two great forces, the period before the first destruction of the
land. The entity was among the children of the Law of One, a
princess, yea one who cared much for those THINGS that were parts of
the activity having been brought about by the great teacher in those
experiences. The entity aided in helping those to overcome, when they
became aware of the relationships of the individual entity to the
universal consciousness or God. These were periods of progression.
For the entity then lived to be a thousand years old, in years as
termed today, and saw great changes come about, not only in the earth
but in those ways in which preparations were made for the advent of
the souls of men to be brought to their relationships with the
Creative Forces or God.
the one before that, in the land of the Atlantean forces, when the
greater rule was in that land, and through which those people brought
self-destruction to themselves in the change of the position of the
earth's plane. The entity then among those establishing the first
laws in that land. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
the one before this we find in the land then known as the Atlantean
country. The entity then in that of the ruler who brought much pomp,
much power, much development in many ways to that land, for the
highest state of the development towards that called civilization was
begun under the entity's rule in that period and the entity gained in
counsel to the peoples.
was in the Atlantean land during what was known as the second of the
breakings-up of the land. The entity was among the children of the
Law of One, and yet embraced many of those activities of the children
of the sons of Belial. For, as had been bidden by the ones in
authority, there should be little of those mixings of groups in
efforts to establish, to use the offspring as beasts of burden or
workers in mills or in clays. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial
and Law of One
to the experiences, in the Atlantean land the entity was the
timekeeper for those who were called things, or the servants, or the
workers of the peoples and the entity felt latent and manifest, as in
the present, the wanting to reform, to change things, so that every
individual soul had the right to freedom of speech, freedom of
thought, freedom of activity. For to the entity, even in those
periods of man's unfoldment (for this was before Adam), the entity
found during its activities the desire to improve, to make better
those environs for the workers of that period. That alone brought
into the entity's consciousness man's position, the need of a
pattern. And the entity saw, the entity felt the need of God's hand
in what evil, or Satan, had brought in the earth. ALSO IN: Mans
Initial Entrance into Earth
was in the Atlantean land when there were those periods of the law of
the children of one, of the sons of Belial. The entity, with the
abilities to bring those things to pass from the application of the
spiritual laws in its use for gratifying of material appetites,
brought under its control, many of those brought into the material
experiences in the opposite sex, or was able to make them of one form
or another, shapely, unshapely, those with forms divine, those with
such monstrosities in each as to become to the self disturbing at
times, but to self that it had need of. ALSO IN: Technology,
Science, Architecture
was in the Atlantean land and the entity was among those who were the
princesses of the Atlanteans. Holding to the activities of the
children of the law of one when there were those disputations and the
sons of Belial were using the spiritual ideals for material gains,
came the divisions and the destruction. The entity was among those,
however, who changed to the land now known as the Peruvian or Incal
land and the entity was still as a princess of her peoples and set
about to make for the activities and the worship of one God. These
were the experiences of the entity where there were those rebellious
forces again for self- indulgences, self-gratifications, and not
until there had been those establishings of associations or
communications with those in the Egyptian land was there peace
brought in the experience of the entity's activities. ALSO IN:
Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
was in the Atlantean land when there was the breaking up of the land,
the entity knowing the inevitable through the activities of the sons
of Belial. In the experience the entity gave little notice to what
would happen, and to the last hours made the activity as if it were
to be continued on the morrow. And life is like that. Because one
passes on, the activity does not cease. "As the tree falls, so
does it lie", saith the Maker and Giver of life. So does the
light, so does the nature of an individual. For the beginnings in the
next experiences are ever tempered by how sincere the purpose was of
the entity in the experience before.
was in that now known or spoken of as the Atlantean land, during
those periods when Poseidia or portions were in the rule after the
first upheaval or separations of the land or continent. Then the
entity rose to the position of power as a representative of the Law
of One, as disseminating to the developing individuals or peoples
that were in their form of evolution from the lower forms to their
activities when there was the discarding of appendages and
relationships with the forces of the animal nature in the experience.
in the presenting more of the activities of the entity through the
Atlantean-Egyptian experience, something of the background - or that
might be called history of the period or time - would be well; that
the entity might see as to how those experiences may be said to fit
that as the entity finds about self even in the present. In that
sojourn, then, we find that Assen-ni was of the children of the Law
of One; with the children of Belial as the negative influence or
force among the children of men. And there was the realization by
Assen-ni that those who had been born were through no fault of their
own being used as creatures for exploitation; and that through the
very influence and power of the children of Belial the Creative
Energies were being used for destructive purposes - or as cloaks
behind which their activities might be carried on. Thus those
disintegrations were brought about that were so well given in the
injunctions later written in the admonitions to Abraham, to Jacob, to
Moses, to Elijah, to Joshua, to all the children of promise - of
which we have records. And if the entity will interpret the
admonitions of Moses, much of that which is THE INNER BASIC PRINCIPLE
of the entity may be found. With the realization of the children of
the Law of One that there was to be the final breaking up of the
Poseidian- Atlantean lands, there were the emigrations with many of
the leaders to the various lands. Thus we find Assen-ni came into
that called the Egyptian land, with Ax-Tell as well as Ajax as they
were attempting to coordinate their teachings with those of the
religious teacher - or the Priest of the period. There we find the
entity presented again the consideration that must be given to those
of EVERY walk of life; and that not by birth or position alone were
the activities of the leaders to become the laws or the ruling forces
and influences among the lands, among the peoples. Hence we find the
entity was active especially in the influences for the establishing
of the Temples of Sacrifice, and the Temple Beautiful; that
represented or offered a channel through which there was a purging of
the bodies as well as the minds, in the manners as we have indicated.
It was much in the same way and manner that our hospital institutions
and educational institutions of today would purge the individual from
disease that wrecks body and mind; as well as the preparation of the
individual through the educational forces for the perpetuation of the
good - or the best in the race. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with
the one before this we find in that land known as the basic
principles of understanding, in Poseida. The entity in power, in
glory, and the entity lost through causing many to walk in the flame
of that known as the sacrificial flame that BURNED in the holy mount.
was in the Atlantean land, or in that place or position called
Poseidia; during those periods when there were the destructive
forces, and when the detentions arose between the sons of Belial and
those of the Law of One. The entity then was among the lesser
priests, and a minister to the ills of the peoples who came for
judgement and understanding. And when there was the egress to the now
known Yucatan land, the entity was among those chosen to act in the
capacity as the priest, or the minister of judgement; both as to the
relationships of individuals among themselves, or one with another,
and as to the spiritual and physical instruction of those people who
journeyed to the land. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other
Lands ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
in that land known as Poseida, or Atlantean. The entity then of those
peoples that gained in power THROUGH the application of the mental
find in that land known as the Poseidian. The entity then of those
that were in the temples of the land, and a danseuse and an offerer
of the sacrifices in the temple; RAISED to that throughout its
experience there.
find in that land known as Poseida, during those periods when man
used all the forces in nature in the applying of same, whether to
material forces or to mental. The entity was then among those of the
rulers in the land. In this experience the entity lost AND gained,
for turning much of that understood of the nightside to those of
secular forces in the experience brought much that was misunderstood.
In the latter portion of the experience the entity gained in the
attempt to set about an equalization of the forces as applied in the
land, yet these brought remorse, consternation, trouble, and unknown
in that land known as the Atlantean, and in the city or country of
Poseidia. The entity found much of the joys of an EARTHLY nature in
the ability to give counsel to those who would use the forces of the
mental SIDE of life in acquiring the gratifying sources or forces, in
that that has grown to be personality and MATERIALITY in this present
sojourn and surrounding.
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods of the greater
expansion, the periods when there were the attempts to UNIFY
activities - by the children of the Law of One. For, the entity then
was a priest that ministered to the physical needs of the peoples.
Thus those who were in that stage of development or awareness in
which their minds and bodies only worked for others, or performed the
manual activities, were of special interest to the entity; in
attempting to use the spiritual forces to AWAKEN the consciousness of
those individuals to the point that they could raise themselves from
those positions to that of greater relationship with the universal
consciousness. There again we find the activities in which
disputations arose between the sons of Belial and the entity. ALSO
IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
find in that land now known as the Atlantean, or in Poseida, and in
the city then of Achaei [?] the entity ruled in pomp, power, and in
the understanding of the mysteries of the application of that often
termed the night side of life, or in the applying of the universal
forces as understood in that period. The ENTITY used them for aid.
Many of the subjects (and [this was] the overthrowing of the entity)
used them in the destructive influences. The entity ruled with the
will; NOT by firm hand, not by destructive influences, but rather as
one that would aid in counsel, aid in the understanding, aid in the
relationships of one to another. ALSO IN: Places and Descriptions
of Atlantis
in that land known as the Poseidan land, and during that period when
there were those developments wherein individuals were able to bring
into being that as would be called in the present through THOUGHT.
The entity again a teacher in this experience, yet lost much - gained
much - IN this experience; though those things to which the entity
subscribed in that experience were brought on more by the influences
of others, the weakness of the entity being in harkening to the voice
of those about, rather than having the stamina to carry on in its OWN
activity or way. Hence, as may be seen by the comparison of the
variations through which the entity has developed or lost, that that
BUILDED in the PRESENT will make for the ABILITIES as will carry
forward that as is being undertaken in this present experience. ALSO
IN: Vocations and Activities
was in the Atlantean land, just before the breaking up, when the
lands of Poseidia were being warned - when individual groups were
leaving for the various realms to which some had been classified, or
had been given their term of activity.
that before this we find when the ruling force of Poseida was before
the gates of the mighty waters that in ages back submerged this
plain. This entity's forces in spirit and in soul was the greater
ruling forces in that sphere or plane.
Cayce Readings Copyright Edgar Cayce Foundation 1971,
Original Page
Design and Programing by William
Terrell Copyright William Terrell 1996 All Rights Reserved