The Edgar Cayce Readings
Continent and Culture of Atlantis
Readings Extract - Followers of the Law of One
READING: 263-4
When there were those destructive forces brought through the
creating of the high influences of the radial activity from the rays
of the sun, that were turned upon the crystals into the pits that
made for the connections with the internal influences of the earth,
the entity through turmoil again joined with those of the Law of One.
ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture ALSO IN:
Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
READING: 288-1
This entity was in that force that brought the highest
civilization and knowledge that has been known to the earth's plane,
and was one of those who lent much assistance to the developing of
those forces that made the common peoples that they became the
assistance in the knowledge as obtained. ALSO IN: Vocations and
was in the Atlantean land when there were the breakings up of those
peoples owing to the destructive forces. The entity was among those
of the Law of One who made their departure not only for the
preservation of the material things but for the preserving of the
records that might eventually become a portion of man's experience in
the earth (when there is the seeking into those realms within the
inner self for a knowledge of the close relationships with the
Creative Forces). For the entity then was a priestess in the temple
in the lands of the Atlanteans. But with the changes for the various
groups, the entity entered those lands of the Egyptians. And during
those periods of the banishment of the Priest, the entity AS an
Atlantean made for much of that which made it NECESSARY for the
recalling of the Priest during that experience; LEAVING the earthly
experience with the return of the Priest. Yet as a priestess of the
Law of One, purity, beauty, sincerity have ever been as the keynote
through the entity's activities in its associations with its fellow
man. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
was in the Atlantean experience when there was the breaking up of the
land itself, through the use of SPIRITUAL truths for the material
gains of physical power. Yet the entity was among those that were of
the children of the Law of One. In the experience the entity was
among those that ministered in the Temple of the Sun, from which all
power was used for the aid of those in material things. Yet the
entity was among those that understood how that the spirit of those
that are given charge concerning the affairs among men came again and
again, and gave the power to those that remained true in and among
the sons of men! ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
experience before that was in Atlantis when there were the activities
of much communication with other lands being attempted to begun. The
entity was rather averse to the interchange of communication with
other lands; being among those that studied of the Law of One, and
the Priestess in that particular experience. ALSO IN: Atlantean
Contact with Other Lands
entity was among the children of the Law of One; entering through the
natural sources that had been considered in the period as the means
of establishing a family. However, they were rather as a group than
as an individual family.
those who were of the ruling forces were able by choice to create or
bring about, or make the channel for the entrance or the projection
of an entity or soul, as the period of necessity arose. Then such
were not as households or as families, like we have today, but rather
as groups.
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those activities just
prior to the second upheaval in that land. The entity was among the
children of the Law of One - a princess; MOST beautiful in its
activities as well as in its purposes and desires for those in the
land who were but the workers or the drudgeries in those periods of
activities. The entity lost some of its favor with a portion of the
rulers owing to its sympathy with and its desire to help those of the
field, and the activities in the laboring peoples.
that the entity was in the Atlantean AND the Egyptian land. For, the
entity was among those who came into Egypt who were in authority in
the Atlantean land; being among the children of the Law of One, and
instrumental in influencing the peoples to the uprising - or to the
attempt to take advantage of the situation when the Atlanteans came
into Egypt. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
that the entity was in the Atlantean land, when there were those
periods of the first breaking up of the land, when the sons of Belial
brought about the use of spiritual laws for material benefits.
was in Atlantis, when there were those divisions and the breaking up
of the land had been promised through the activities of the children
of the Law of One. The entity was among those that chose to enter as
leaders in what is now called Yucatan. And the entity aided in
establishing the temple through which there was hoped to be the
appearance again of the children of the Law of One, as they listened
to the oracles that came through the stones, the crystals that were
prepared for communications in what ye now know as radio. ALSO
IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes ALSO IN: Atlantean
Contact with Other Lands ALSO IN: Technology, Science,
entity then labored among those less fortunate, seeking to give the
opportunity to the various groups to become better acquainted with
the laws and the spiritual laws. The entity was a princess in that
period, or of the Law of One. ALSO IN: Social, Religious,
Political, Legal
was in Atlantis, among those of the household of a ruler, or a Priest
in the Law of One. There the entity was quite active in same.
that the entity was in Atlantis before the second upheavals, being
among the children of the Law of One and a priestess in the temple
through which the mystics studied those tents of the application of
spiritual laws to material things.
as indicated, or given by Steinmetz' boss, materially, whatever
electricity is to man, that's what the power of God is. Man may in
the material world use God-force, God-power or electricity, to do
man's work or to destroy man himself. Ye did it before - will ye do
it again? The entity was among the sons of the Law of One using those
energies in the periods in Atlantis that destroyed Atlantis, that
destroyed mankind. ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
the breaking up of the land the entity was among those that set sail
for the Egyptian land, but entered rather into the Pyrenees and what
is now the Portuguese, French and Spanish land. And there STILL may
be seen in the chalk cliffs there in Calais [Galice?] the activities,
where the marks of the entity's followers were made, as the attempts
were set with those to create a temple activity to the follower of
the law of One. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt ALSO
IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
was in that land known as, or called, the Atlantean, during those
periods when the preparations were being made for the people that
were of the One, who knew that destruction was nigh - through the
activities and warnings that had come to those in the lead or power,
the teachers and ministers.
was in the land now known as the Atlantean, during those periods
before there was a great deal of destruction or erosion. The entity
then was of those peoples in charge of the services to One God, in
the Temple of Fire that was made by those who later brought
destructive forces to much of the land. The entity then was one who
ruled with a loving hand over all those peoples, yet this was taken
advantage of by one Jouuuel in that experience; and the entity
suffered much mentally, losing in its soul development, that brought
the activity into those lands where those activities were such as to
make for much that pertained to the developing of SPIRITUAL forces to
the material activities - or aggrandizing the interests of self for
the bodily needs, rather as bodily desires. ALSO IN: Atlanteans
and Ancient Earth Changes
was in that now known as the Atlantean land, during those periods
when there were the first of the sons of men coming for their
expression into matter. The entity then was among the sons of Axarz,
that were of the Law of One, as related to finding expression in the
gratifying of the desires of flesh or of matter in its expressions in
this materiality. ALSO IN: Mans Initial Entrance into Earth
was in that now known as the Atlantean or Egyptian land; for the
entity was in both, being the one who conducted, as it were, those in
authority of the Law of One to the Egyptian land for the sojournings
of the peoples there, at the time of or just previous to the last
destruction of the Atlantean land. The entity then was in the
capacity of the director of the expedition; yet not until the latter
portion of the sojourn or experience did the entity ever join in with
those activities of that peoples in the Egyptian land, and then was
in that particular phase of ADORNING the buildings especially with
the gems or precious stones of that day. ALSO IN: Atlantean
Contact with Egypt ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
was in the land now called the Atlantean. There the entity was a
priestess. For the entity was of the peoples of the Law of One, and
with the breaking up of the land itself and the beginning of the
exodus of those peoples, the entity was among those that journeyed to
what is now called the Yucatan land - or the Ithmus land. And with
the building up of those activities, the establishing of the temple
service, the applications of the temple's activity to the
commercialization - or those activities in which many of what ye call
in the present new discoveries, these were but a portion of the
entity's associate's activities during that experience. And when
there became the heresaying, yea in those periods when there became
an activity in which those portions of the land were discovered from
what was left of Lemuria, or Mu -in what is now lower California,
portions of the valleys of death, the entity journeyed there to see,
to know. And during those experiences much was set up that may be of
interest to the entity, that will be a part of the discoveries of
natures or natural formations in what is now the Canyon Island. For
THIS was the entity's place of the temple. For the entity then was a
priestess that made for the correlating of tenets of all portions of
the earth, for the unifying of the activities of spiritual
understanding, and the application of spiritual laws - not as for
material but for the harmonious and the peace of the peoples. ALSO
IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands ALSO IN: Pre-existing
Civilizations ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
in the Atlantean land, when there was the SECOND period of the
upheavals in the land. The entity was a priestess in the Temple then
of Light, the temple in which there were the activities in
associations with the Law of One. The entity held such activities not
so close as some, and not so close as the priests especially of the
older ones judged she should. For the entity consorted with those who
were, to the priests, questioned; and the entity during that
experience had seventeen sons by seventeen DIFFERENT men! These
brought those activities of many disturbing forces, yet never were
the priests - either of Belial or of the Law of One - able to prevent
the entity from leading in the activities in the Temple of Light.
ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those periods of
preparation for leaving the land; through the teachings of the Law of
One, of which the entity was a member - and not only a member but a
princess in same. The entity held closer to the tenets, the teachings
of that dependence of those in authority upon the higher influences
that might enter through those days and seasons and periods of
preparation for the receiving of the principle which had entered in.
When the divisions came the entity was among those who went into the
Egyptian land; first in the Pyrenees land, then -with the acceptance
of the Priest of Egypt and the King, and the attempts for the
correlation of these for applications in the experiences of those of
the land - the entity made for great help to the peoples from the
Abyssinian land and the peoples from the Indian land - or from Saneid
and the peoples from the land of Mu and the Golden City, or City of
Gold. Hence the entity as an emissary, as a teacher in those periods,
aided much in the establishing of the unity of purposes through the
various centers. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
was in the land now known as the Atlantean, when there was the
breaking up of same; when the children of the Law of One were sending
the old as well as the young to the various lands. The entity was
among those who, with Ax-Tell and Ajax, brought the understandings to
those in the Egyptian land as to the activities in which there might
be (and became later) a unifying of purpose in the teachings of the
Priest in that experience; as to how, through the activities in the
Temple of Sacrifice as well as in the Temple Beautiful, bodies as
well as minds were prepared for the special service in given
directions in their relationships with the material, the mental and
the spiritual affairs of men. In regard to the abilities of the
entity during that experience, too much might not be said. For the
entity made it possible for the abilities of many to be coordinated
in the activities of all the fields of service through that period of
great development in the material associations. ALSO IN:
Atlantean Contact with Egypt
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those early
portions of the experience when the activities of the sun were turned
materially into such influences as to give into man's experience much
of that which we know or understand as habit in the present. The
entity was of the children of the Law of One who preached against,
but with the activities as brought about destructive forces made as
it were the expression in the present as the entity may give, - that
every one is dependent upon the other throughout its material
sojourn. ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
was in the Atlantean land during those periods when there were those
activities which necessitated the dispersing of many of the children
of the law of One to other lands. There we find the entity was among
those who came into the Egyptian land, - and with those periods of
reconstruction became very closely affiliated or associated with the
Natives who had been a part of the Rebellion through those periods.
And with the acceptance of the activities of the Atlanteans, and the
correlation of same with the tenets of the Priest and those of other
lands, the entity rose to be among those of the Natives who were the
instructors in the manners and forms of the artistry in the
decoration of homes, as well as in the various edifices where the
services were carried forward. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with
Egypt ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods just before the
greater upheaval or the first destruction of that land. The entity
was among the children of the Law of One, and there the entity set
its ideal and purpose to the keeping of those peoples that
represented the pure in body as well as the pure in purpose.
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the
second of the upheavals. The entity was among the children of the Law
of One, and the entity gave of itself as a sacrifice for the attempt
a to bring to the consciousness of the greater portion of the people
those influences and forces for the relationships of the Creator to
the creature. Hence we will find in the latter portion of the
experience the entity becoming a teacher and a missionary in a manner
to a great THRONG of peoples. ALSO IN: Social, Religious,
Political, Legal ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in the Atlantean land, when there were the constructive forces as
to the activities of the children of the Law of One, - in all of
those influences during the periods when the land was being broken
up. We find the entity was as the leading influence for the
considering of ways and means in which there would be the preserving
of records, as well as ways, means and manners in which either the
few or the numbers might be preserved from the destruction of the
lands. It would be well if this entity were to seek either of the
three phases of the ways and means in which those records of the
activities of individuals were preserved, - the one in the Atlantean
land, that sank, which will rise and is rising again; another in the
place of the records that leadeth from the Sphinx to the hall of
records, in the Egyptian land; and another in the Aryan or Yucatan
land, where the temple there is overshadowing same. There we find the
entity was as the leader of those influences to those that made for
the escapes. And though the entity kept itself in the background,
innately there is held the thought or feeling within the experience
of the entity in the present that SOMEWHERE, somehow, there may be
found that manner, that means, that way in which all of that which
has BEEN may become a part of men's experience in the IMMEDIATE, now.
ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities ALSO IN: Social, Religious,
Political, Legal
was in the Atlantean land, during those activities in that period
preceding the second upheavals. The entity was among the children of
the law of One; a high priestess, who chose to keep within self those
abilities for progeneration. (Remain male and female) ALSO IN:
Social, Religious, Political, Legal
Cayce Readings Copyright Edgar Cayce Foundation 1971,
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