The Edgar Cayce Readings
Continent and Culture of Atlantis
Readings Extract - Vocations and Activities
READING: 364-10
To what uses, then, did these people in this particular period
give their efforts, and in what directions were they active? As many
almost as there were individuals! for, as we find from the records as
are made, to some there was given the power to become the sons of
God; others were workers in brass, in iron, in silver, in gold;
others were made in music, and the instruments of music. ALSO IN:
Social, Religious, Political, Legal
READING: 541-1
In that sojourn the entity aided the ones in power, whether in
the political, religious or economic affairs of the experience; for
the entity acted in the capacity rather as one that counseled with
all in that sojourn. Rather as a teacher.
Entity was a teacher among the people of that period, and among those
destroyed in the overflow of the land.
the days of the Atlantis, when the peoples were in that of the higher
state of civilization. The entity then was the teacher in the
psychological thought and study, especially as that of the
transmission of thought through ether.
entity then was of the Poseidans, and gaining in repute of the
abilities of the entity through the adorn-ment of body, using
nightside of the influences in earth's plane brought destructive
forces TO self through the misapplication of power. ALSO IN:
Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
this, we find in the land of Poseida [Atlantis], when Alta was in the
height of its civilization. This entity then was in the service of
the country in its relation to other countries. ALSO IN: Places
and Descriptions of Atlantis
entity made for a foregathering with these for power, having been of
the priestesses of the land; and through the activities of Belial
became the priestess in the temple that was built in opposition to
the sons of the Law of ONE. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and
Law of One ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
entity was in that force that brought the highest civilization and
knowledge that has been known to the earth's plane, and was one of
those who lent much assistance to the developing of those forces that
made the common peoples that they became the assistance in the
knowledge as obtained. ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of One
we find the entity in that sex as given, and was in the household of
the ruler of that country. This we find nearly ten thousand years
before the Prince of Peace came. ALSO IN: Reference to Time
Periods of Events
the one before this we find in the Poseidian rule [Atlantis] when the
greater forces were being given to the then civilized forces, and the
entity then finding the greater force, and giving the laws to the
individuals of that time. ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political,
In the Poseidian [Atlantis] period, just what was my position and
vocation? [See 288-1 and 288-10.] (A) A ruler, and what would be
termed a DIVINER of purposes in the activities of the MENTAL life;
for the PERIOD carried rather that of the MENTAL - that would be
termed in the present day - of a PHYSICAL being; for then both male
and female might be - desired so - in one. ALSO IN: Division of
Body into Two Sexes
we have those conditions in the experience of the entity, in that
sojourn and experience in Atlantis. Here we find as these conditions,
or the changing of the entity's abilities in separating self in the
form or manner in sex; hence becoming, with the associations, the
envy of many then being contacted with the experiences as a leader, a
ruler; ALSO IN: Division of Body into Two Sexes
Atlantis the entity then was the princess in that land. Here the
entity got the experience of pomp without the application in the
proper manner, yet the entity felt, acted, enacted, against the
people - suffering much in body and mind for an ideal. ALSO IN:
Social, Religious, Political, Legal
the land of Alta [Atlantis], when the country was in the first
developing, and the entity's main force and development was in that
of subduing the animal life in both man and beast.
the entity was among those that prepared that which would be termed
today as the history of the nation, of the peoples, of the land;
assisting then Alta, the scribe, in preparing those activities in the
forces of the peoples to those of the various classes, cults or
activities upon this land.
entity, during an evangelistic like campaign or non physical war, was
among those that were active as to the exchange of associations with
those in the Poseidian land, or in the city of Alta.
the one before this in the land known as Poseida, in the temple of
that peoples. The entity again the musician, and sounds of all
natures were produced upon the instruments of the day. While this
peoples, as to material conditions, reached even a higher state of
application of material things (hence called civilization) than even
of the present day; yet the application towards material surmounted
that toward the spiritual; though a form of worship was maintained
through the period, and the entity was among those worshiped by the
peoples of a portion of the land. ALSO IN: Social, Religious,
Political, Legal
was in that known as the Poseidian land, during those periods when
the people had come from Muir, Ur, Lemuria, and the other lands, for
the indwelling of the various activities, the seeking together for
the divining of many activities or principles in human endeavor. The
entity then was among those who would be termed in the present the
alchemists of the period. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other
in that land now called the Atlantean, in Poseidia. The entity was
among those of the upper classes who belittled self that there might
become a better understanding between those that ruled in power,
might and mind, and those that supplied the necessity for bodily
adornments or material supplies. ALSO IN: Social, Religious,
Political, Legal
was in that land known as the Atlantean, and in Poseida, among those
that wrought for the separating of those advanced, or those that
worked with the hand and those that guided through the mental
abilities of the peoples. The entity then was among the court peoples
that aided in the temples that were wrought for the satisfaction of
those that were true in spirit, as well as those that aggrandized for
self's interests - that brought the destructions to the land. Known
then as one of the messenger bearers to the peoples and to those in
authority. ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
then was among those of the One Faith, being a brother of the Prince
of Atlantis; and aided in making the better associations in
activities between the common people and the rulers of the land;
bringing better influences in the living conditions, in the
activities of the people in their relationships. ALSO IN: Social,
Religious, Political, Legal
in that land known as the Atlantean. The entity [was] among those of
the teachers who brought much to the peoples of that period.
was in the land of the Poseidians when the rule was in the house of
Ode [Od?], and the entity then gave to that people the manner of use
of the universal forces as may be applied in the way of mechanical
construction in a physical plane. ALSO IN: Places and
Descriptions of Atlantis ALSO IN: Technology, Science,
was in that known as the Atlantean land, during those periods when
there was the exodus from the land to what is now known as Egypt. The
entity then, as a companion of Ax-tell, became the leader in those
activities when there was begun the correlation of the experiences of
those peoples when the turmoils and strifes arose. And the entity
aided much in the clearing of differences, and in establishing those
activities that made for the greater understandings of all the
different purposes, or the different presentations of purposes in
that period. A judge, then, became the entity ALSO IN: Atlantean
Contact with Egypt
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there was the
second egress from the land owing to the destructive forces that had
begun to become active. The entity was not of the ruler class,
neither was it of what might be termed the peasant or the working
class, but rather was it among the instructors in the activities in
the land.
entity then was an emissary, a teacher, one who aided in distributing
those tenets and activities during that sojourn.
period were as related to the necessity of individuals growing or
making preparation for the conservation of foods for sustenance of
individual groups.
then - as called by her peoples - the entity was a princess, or a
daughter of a ruler of the peoples in Atlantis.
was in the land known as Atlantis, during that period when many
peoples understood the laws of the universal forces. The entity among
those able to carry the messages through space to other lands, and
the guider of the crafts of that period. In this period the entity
lost, for there was the misapplication of many of the forces, the
powers, understood. ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those usages of the high
developments in the activities of the mechanical nature. Thus the
entity was one who builded the planes, those activities in air, in
water, as directed by the stone from which the forces were generated
- or such as the radio beam in the present, - from that central facet
for which the entity made those experiences - and that are the dreams
of the entity in the present. These may be used for constructive or
destructive forces. These were allowed to become, or did become,
those forces that brought about the last breaking up of Poseidia. In
the experience the entity held fast to the creative purposes but was
overruled by the sons of Belial, when those warrings began between
the sons of the children of the Law of One and the sons of Belial.
ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture ALSO IN: Conflict
between Belial and Law of One
the one before this we find in the period of the highest civilization
in the land of that peoples that brought destruction to themselves.
Then in Atlantis, when the rule brought this destruction. The entity
among those in high command and the entity lost in that period. In
the present the urge is for that dread of the influence of power in
the hands of the unworthy. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth
that the entity was in the land of the present sojourn when there was
the breaking up following the first destruction of Mu and Atlantis.
The entity then was a leader, but a maker of images. ALSO IN:
Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
this in the Poseida, known then as Alta, or Atlantis forces, and
again in the decorative or art forces of the day.
in that of the land known as the Atlantean, when the destruction came
to those lands. The entity then was among those who served in the
council of the ruler, and the entity then attained position, power,
pomp, glory. Physically and mentally the entity was the peer of the
councillors, and the entity and the entity applied same well and
aright! ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
in that land known as the Atlantean, and in the little city of Osuo
the entity ruled as the priestess over those divinations that brought
for the influencing of the emotions of the body, as those
developments came to those peoples during the earlier portion of
their sojourn in this land. ALSO IN: Places and Descriptions of
in that known as the Atlantean period, when those first of the
explosives were made. The entity then associated with that one that
gave to the peoples the first combination of chemicals that gave
explosives in a manner to be handled by peoples. ALSO IN:
Technology, Science, Architecture
was in that land now known as the Atlantean, during those periods of
turmoil when there were the rebellions that brought about the
separations of the isles and the upheavals in the land. The entity,
however, was among those of the faithful that aided in the use of
those conditions that brought succor to those that suffered either in
combat or in the physical conditions in the body; as to the
betterment of stature, as to betterment of the USE of those things as
applied in the arts for the relieving of those people, and in
bringing to the people not only the necessities but the beauties in
the life. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
was in those experiences in the Atlantean land, before those periods
of the second upheavals or before the lands were divided into the
isles. The entity was among those of the household of the leaders of
the One, and made for and aided in the attempts to establish for
those that were developing or incoming from the thought forces into
physical manifestations to gain the concept of what their activities
should be to develop towards a perfection in physical body, losing
many of those appurtenanes that made for hindrances for the better
activities in the experience. And the entity gained and lost in the
experience. For, while in the office of the priestess in the temple
of the One, the entity lost in the associations of the carnal
influences in relationships to those in the same activity. Yet, the
entity gained in the greater portion of the abilities to make for
disseminating truths to others. ALSO IN: Mans Initial Entrance
into Earth ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
was in that land called or known as the Atlantean, during the periods
when there were the attempts of many before the rise of the
destructive influences that brought forth the sinking of the lands
upon those shores. The entity aided in carrying to the common
peoples, and the peoples that had journeyed to the land, a greater
understanding of the activities in that particular experience; Then
the entity was in those capacities that made for the advancement of
those of the low estate, in not only the mental and material but
those that were without hope. ALSO IN: Social, Religious,
Political, Legal
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during the periods
when there were many of the divisions that called for and produced
the destructive forces in that land. Yet when there were the
expressions of those in power to raise those who were of the menial
class, or the workers in the fields of activity that brought what is
known as the agricultural or the social service, the entity was the
intermediator for the own peoples of the lower class or caste to
those of the higher. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth
Changes ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
entity was not among those to be sent to the Egyptian land, but
rather among those that went to the western portions of the land and
eventually to that known as the Yucatan and the Central American
land; for in those sojourns the entity was active in establishing a
development in the agricultural field, or the growth of those things
that made for the sustenance in the new land. ALSO IN: Atlantean
Contact with Other Lands
was in that now known as the Atlantean land, among those peoples that
were not given into charge of the moral and religious life of the
country just previous to the last destruction; but was rather among
those of the upper classes that acted in the capacity of overseers or
judges among the laboring periods or laboring activities of a portion
of those people. ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
was in that now known as or called the Atlantean land, during those
experiences when there was the egress of the peoples before the
periods of the final destruction. The entity was among those that
made for the coordinating of the activities with those of the various
lands to which they were to journey. Then the entity was not only
something of the judge and jury, as would be called, but was one
entrusted with a mission for seeking out those lands that were to
make for the proper surroundings, environs and activities for the
peoples. And the entity came into that land now known as the Central
American land, where the peoples builded many of the temples that are
being uncovered today. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other
entity was then in the Atlantean land when those were being chosen to
carry the various forces and influences throughout the earth's
experience for the training or retaining of the activities. The
entity then was among those of the Law of One that went to what was
then the Egyptian land; in the same sex, yes; making for much that
drew the beauty of expression, or the entity engaged in the
activities particularly to express the beautiful through dress. ALSO
IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
in the days when the rule in the land of the Atlantean forces. The
entity then the one that served the foods to the high priests of that
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those
periods when there had been the first of the upheavals through the
destructive forces that brought first a fear, a wonderment, and then
the seeking for those things that would quiet not only for the
material but for the mental and spiritual welfare of the peoples.
Hence the entity was among those that attempted to make for the
better understandings in the classes or castes, or those that were
the teachings [teachers?] and those that were of the peasantry - or
those as laborers. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
was in the Atlantean land, when there were the preparations for the
greater communications, the uses of forces in nature for the
activities - in the preparations of the gases, of the skins, of the
products of the trees into what are now known as means and manners of
communications and preparations - or rubber; the entity made for that
in its preparation. Then the entity was Altus - not ta but tus, for
the entity was the father of Alta. ALSO IN: Technology, Science,
was in the Atlantean land, just previous to the destructive forces
being applied by the Sons of Belial - that brought forth the
destructive influences. The entity was among the children of the Law
of One, and high in authority - or what would be termed in the
present as the leader of the soldiery forces, or the law enforcement
groups in the experience. Thus again we find the contacts were with
the lowly and those in authority, and those that made for the
misinterpretations. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
there the entity gained much; as the emissary, as the minister to the
preparations of those for their activities in other lands.
was in the Atlantean and, when there were those divisions of the land
and the separation of the peoples into the various portions of the
then continent -or in various positions of the activities in the
continent. The entity was among those who came to the American land,
and began a part of the experiences with the peoples who were later a
part of the entity's own people. In that experience the entity rose
to a position of power in material things; as in the abilities to
direct individuals, to induce others to become active in what would
be the more helpful experience in the establishing of homes,
communities and places of refuge for those who were afflicted. ALSO
IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those separations. The
entity was among the groups that came into the Egyptian land; and
among those that aided in the establishing of those activities in the
Temple of Sacrifice. Hence as we find, in its abilities in keeping
rules, regulations - or things that are just rote to others.
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those
periods when there was the breaking up of the land. And the entity
was young in years, with the transplanting of self bodily with others
into that known as the Egyptian experience. In that land the entity
came to be the interpreter of the musical preludes for those
activities to which individuals would give themselves in the better
reconstruction of the land in all of its phases of mental, material
and spiritual endeavor. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, when there were
those divisions which arose through those periods when destruction
was coming upon the land. The entity was among those who chose to go
with those groups that came into the Egyptian land, during that
period of the reconstruction. And the entity, acting in the capacity
of what would be called in the present a chemist, made for the
turning of much of those lands of the Nile to that of being more
productive in the supplying of foods for those CHANGES that were
being wrought by the laboring people through the Temples of
Sacrifice. There we find the entity was associated with Ax-Tell,
Araaraart and those in the activities of the Temple of Sacrifice.
ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
was in the Atlantean land. There we find the entity was among those
of the children of the Law of One, during those periods when there
were the second periods of the upheaval in the land, and the entity
was among those who were in authority and in power. Hence the entity
counseled those who made the first of the exodus to other lands.
was in the Atlantean land during those periods when there were those
activities which necessitated the dispersing of many of the children
of the law of One to other lands. There we find the entity was among
those who came into the Egyptian land, - and with those periods of
reconstruction became very closely affiliated or associated with the
Natives who had been a part of the Rebellion through those periods.
And with the acceptance of the activities of the Atlanteans, and the
correlation of same with the tenets of the Priest and those of other
lands, the entity rose to be among those of the Natives who were the
instructors in the manners and forms of the artistry in the
decoration of homes, as well as in the various edifices where the
services were carried forward. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with
Egypt ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of One
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the
second of the upheavals. The entity was among the children of the Law
of One, and the entity gave of itself as a sacrifice for the attempt
a to bring to the consciousness of the greater portion of the people
those influences and forces for the relationships of the Creator to
the creature. Hence we will find in the latter portion of the
experience the entity becoming a teacher and a missionary in a manner
to a great THRONG of peoples. ALSO IN: Social, Religious,
Political, Legal ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of One
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there was the
exodus to other lands. The entity entered into the Egyptian land with
Ajax, as well as those peoples of that land who later became a part
of the municipal as well as the religious activities, with a
combination of the efforts of the Priest of that period as well as
the King. With the reestablishing of the Priest as that part of the
physical mental and spiritual development of the land, and the
attempts to unite the efforts of the many lands, the entity became a
part of that influence; especially in its abilities for activities in
keeping the records of the various groups who were entrusted with the
dispensing not only of knowledge but of moneys or the wherewithal for
the carrying on of the various undertakings in the land. Thus the
entity grew to be one in power, and one acquainted with the affairs
of many lands. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt ALSO IN:
Social, Religious, Political, Legal
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those activities that
changed the dwellings of the peoples there. The entity was among the
younger of those peoples of the Law of One who came into the Egyptian
land, and with the united efforts of the Atlanteans and the
Egyptians, with the developing of those periods that were the very
foundations of that which IS the hospitalization in the present, and
the activities as recorded as portions of that ye call medical
actions, - these were portions of the entity's activities. Raised
through the purification, the classification in that experience, the
entity became a power throughout that part of the sojourn in that
land. The entity became an authority upon the temperaments and the
tenets that would be the more effective in the experiences of
individuals. Thus, as ye would call in the present, the entity was
more of a psychoanalyst, as would be called today; aiding in the
determining factors to which individuals and various groups would be
set for their studies for the greater advancement of the individual
and the abilities of same. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
was in the Atlantean land, when there were the constructive forces as
to the activities of the children of the Law of One, - in all of
those influences during the periods when the land was being broken
up. We find the entity was as the leading influence for the
considering of ways and means in which there would be the preserving
of records, as well as ways, means and manners in which either the
few or the numbers might be preserved from the destruction of the
lands. It would be well if this entity were to seek either of the
three phases of the ways and means in which those records of the
activities of individuals were preserved, - the one in the Atlantean
land, that sank, which will rise and is rising again; another in the
place of the records that leadeth from the Sphinx to the hall of
records, in the Egyptian land; and another in the Aryan or Yucatan
land, where the temple there is overshadowing same. There we find the
entity was as the leader of those influences to those that made for
the escapes. And though the entity kept itself in the background,
innately there is held the thought or feeling within the experience
of the entity in the present that SOMEWHERE, somehow, there may be
found that manner, that means, that way in which all of that which
has BEEN may become a part of men's experience in the IMMEDIATE, now.
ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of One ALSO IN: Social,
Religious, Political, Legal
in that land known as the Atlantean, during that period when there
were the separations of the bodies as male and female, for the entity
then began one of power in the period - and making for those of the
first TEMPORAL abodes, in houses that were of peculiar structure,
that oft comes to the entity's inner self in the present of that
CIRCULAR home, house, abode, or city, or peoples, that there may be
the proper differentiations in those of the abilities of individuals
to mete out that of a PRODUCTIVE nature; whether the layman, that
produces that of the original, or whether those that make for the
change into the use of the various efforts of the various groups in
THEIR respective sphere, or whether in that that DISTRIBUTES to the
NEEDS of those that labor IN the various fields OF the passing of
foods, apparel, OR what not, from the PRODUCTIVE end to that of the
USER, or of the distributor. ALSO IN: Division of Body into Two
Sexes ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
the one then before this we find in that land now known, or then
called, the Atlantean land, and during that period when there were
the developments of those things as made for motivative forces as
carried the peoples into the various portions of the land, and to the
other lands. The entity then a navigator of note in THAT period.
that the entity was in the Egyptian land, but from the Atlantean land
- for the entity, it may be said, was the sex leader of the peoples
of that particular group who came into Egypt. Thus the revelry of
same, as well as revelry physically in same, was a part of the
activities of the entity in associations and affiliations with the
individuals of that experience. Thus turmoils were brought about, and
many of the Natives as well as the sojourners there insisted upon
those activities being tempered. Hence the necessity for the Priest
to be returned for activity came about by those turmoils which arose,
or were caused by the entity's influences in those particulars. In
the latter portion, the abilities for what later in the experience of
man's walks of life became known as the operatic airs, the folklore
music, and the hymns and psalms, all were a part of the entity's
expression. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
in the days when the change was being made from the Atlantean
countries to the northern portion of now Spanish forces. Entity then
one of the greater entertainers of the time, though not reaching any
great height on account of the change in the ruler of the forces
pertaining to entertainment of the peoples, during the change. In the
development, the entity gained much, especially in the way of being
amenable to conditions and able to work under any circumstance. ALSO
IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
was in the Atlantean land, in those periods when there were the
preparations resulting from those activities and disputes between the
children of the Law of One and the sons of Belial; so that the
various groups were sent to the varied lands. The entity was among
the children of the Law of One, -the mathematician, the one who made
preparations for those journeys through the air to the Pyrenees;
later, with those establishings of the activities in Egypt, the
entity took residence there; becoming associated with Ajax or Ax-Tell
in those experiences. The entity made measurements for some of those
activities that brought about the buildings in parts of the Nile, as
to make for the governing of the waters of same. ALSO IN:
Conflict between Belial and Law of One ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact
with Egypt
in the days when the first of the peoples came into that country of
the Jardines (Gadarenes?), when the Atlantean forces were in the
power and rule. The entity then in the form and manner of the peasant
to the peoples and gave of self in the development of the peoples
towards the agricultural intent of storing up foods for those who
were of the less fortunate of the peoples. The entity in this
developed much, for the first of brotherly love shown in the earth.
ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands ALSO IN: Places
and Descriptions of Atlantis
in that land known as Atlantean. The entity then among those that
knew OF and USED those of the universal forces in the manner of
communciations in that land, and the varied peoples in the different
lands, and the entity used these to self's OWN destruction; for
rather than being used for the UPBUILDING, these were turned into
destructive forces for the satisfying of individual desires of the
peoples in that period.
in that land where the peoples came as the representatives of those
that would make the lands secure against the beasts of the fields,
and the fowls of the air, or the animals of the air, in the second
rule in the Atlantean period. Then helping in that of the assistant
to the entertainers of those people so gathered. The daughter then to
the ruler. ALSO IN: The Invasion of the Great Beasts
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those necessities of the
various groups to leave the land. The entity was among the children
of the Law of One. Eventually the entity came into the Egyptian land,
during those periods when there were the reestablishings of the
activities of the Priest, the coalition of the activities of the
peoples from the Atlantean land as well as the Natives of the period;
when the great expansion was being made by the preparations of
various natures and characters. The entity was the student of the
soil; not pertaining to nature's storehouse but rather of that which
might be obtained as the supply of foods and raiment, the activities
of that nature, or of vegetation; not only pertaining to food but
that necessary for cloth, for paper, and for the supplying of things
of those natures. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those changes being
wrought, when the upheavals were known. The entity, with many of
those that escaped to the various lands, joined in the exodus; first
settling in the Pyrenees and then - with that establishing of the
united effort on the part of the Atlanteans with the Egyptians - the
entity entered into Egypt, and became acquainted with, associated
with, those activities having to do with the vocational guidance -
especially as presented in the Temple Beautiful services and the
Temple's activity. The entity finally became, in that period, one of
the first of the Atlanteans to be established as an officer in the
stations in the Temple Beautiful; or, as would be termed, as a
professor in the preparation and the education of individuals as to
their place in the affairs of the groups and the nations through that
experience. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
was also in the Atlantean land, when there was the first of the early
breaking up - this was before the 10,500 period, and time was counted
little in those days because of the full awareness of only those
things about the groups or individuals who made overtures or
appreciation for assembling together the families. There the entity
was among those peoples who set about to establish customs and rules
of order assumed by those to whom the activities had been given, for
their presenting to the peoples of the time. ALSO IN: Reference
to Time Periods of Events ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political,
was in the Atlantean land, among the sons of the Law of One; yet with
the activities that arose, the presenting of other forces in the body
brings to the entity confusion at times. Stay close to that as may be
presented in the manners in which individuals may be assisted in
their choice of vocational activity, as throughout that sojourn, and
how that in organized groups that are rather those who mistrust, and
how that one sound apple with the rest rotten may become also, as it
were. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
was in the Atlantean land, or in that place or position called
Poseidia; during those periods when there were the destructive
forces, and when the detentions arose between the sons of Belial and
those of the Law of One. The entity then was among the lesser
priests, and a minister to the ills of the peoples who came for
judgement and understanding. And when there was the egress to the now
known Yucatan land, the entity was among those chosen to act in the
capacity as the priest, or the minister of judgement; both as to the
relationships of individuals among themselves, or one with another,
and as to the spiritual and physical instruction of those people who
journeyed to the land. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other
Lands ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
in that land known as the Poseidan land, and during that period when
there were those developments wherein individuals were able to bring
into being that as would be called in the present through THOUGHT.
The entity again a teacher in this experience, yet lost much - gained
much - IN this experience; though those things to which the entity
subscribed in that experience were brought on more by the influences
of others, the weakness of the entity being in harkening to the voice
of those about, rather than having the stamina to carry on in its OWN
activity or way. Hence, as may be seen by the comparison of the
variations through which the entity has developed or lost, that that
BUILDED in the PRESENT will make for the ABILITIES as will carry
forward that as is being undertaken in this present experience. ALSO
IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
Cayce Readings Copyright Edgar Cayce Foundation 1971,
Original Page
Design and Programing by William
Terrell Copyright William Terrell 1996 All Rights Reserved